Preview for the next (new) story + authors note

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Is all that can be heard of you. Your Torso rising with every beep and falling in between.

Three more people are in the room with you. Your husband and your children. Three people in the hospital room are sleeping, one is holding his face in his hands, sitting next to the bed of his partner he chose as his life long partner. You.

He thought that with the birth, your health would improve again, that you finally can be you again, with all your energy. But he was wrong.

It has been a day since you delivered your children and you still haven't woken up again. That made Shouta grow impatient.

He get's drawn out of his mind when he hears a little whimper, coming from the twins. His head shoots up, followed by him checking on them. They seem upset about something. He puts one finger of each of his hands in one hand of each of the twins. They both grab the finger, calming down.

Before he even noticed, tears escape his eyes, rolling down his cheeks. Even though nobody else was in the room except of his family, he wipes them away with his shoulder so nobody can see.

As the twins finally fall asleep again and they loosen the grip on Shoutas fingers, so he walks to your bed again. Seeing you in this miserable state makes him break inside. He grabs a chair and puts it next to you. An air tube in your mouth and many more wires around you make you look even more sick than you are. Shouta takes your hand in his. "I have never told you how great full I am for you, carrying our children almost 9 months while suffering so much. I don't deserve you" he tells your sleeping figure. His head falls down next to you as he still holds your hand in his.

The grib of your hand suddenly tightens and Shouta can hear gagging from you as he sees your eyes slightly opening for just a second.

Joy and fear fills him as he rushes out of the room. "I need a nurse right now. Please it's urgent." he shouts out of the room as a nurse rushes to the room. She takes out the tube out of your mouth, giving you the chance to breath correctly. The beeping noises that made your husband go crazy before finally sounding more like a heartbeat making him even more happier as he sees you. Still very weak but now...awake.

"Hi" you manage to whisper as your eyes fall on him.

"Hi" is all he says back, unable to understand what just happened.


I hate cliffhangers but somehow, I like to do them in my own Story. Whatever.
Hello again. I didn't want to leave you hanging, waiting for the new story so *drumroll* tadaaa. Here it is. The preview. It's pretty short but, yeah, that's how previews are. Sorry.

Anyways I will start the new story as soon as I have enough time to do so. I have a lot going on right now and I think that if I would start now, the story would turn out pretty bad so I'm really sorry.

However, I really want to thank all of you for how much you guys supported me. I know, a few of you told me that I don't need to thank you but I really do. If you guys didn't support me, this story would have ended a few chapters ago so thank you all.

I promise that as soon as I have the time, I will post the new story. I will not put this story on finished, just because I'm too scared to do so. And, just like this story, the next story will be gender neutral. Even though this is kind of confusing for some people for a story about pregnancy, I thought it would be a good idea.

But now, before the note is longer than the preview itself, until next time.

Bye bye

Aizawa x pregnant readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin