7. Month pt. 2

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('I really need to be more active in updating. But a second part of this will come soon(hopefully). Hope you liked it' Is what I said in the last chapter and now it has almost been 2 month (and not to mention that that was last year). I'm a terrible Wattpad author. Anyways I hope you will enjoy this chapter and MAYBE I will stand to my word next time and not take so long to update but here it goes)

It has not been so long since you started feeling not-too-well and it didn't get any better. Kind of the opposite. It just got worse.
You are in the 30th week now and all of you are nervous, yes even your cats, but just because Shouta and you are nervous.
Shouta was allowed to go back to school and teach there again. Though he protested to stay home and help you, you insisted on him going back to school. You knew how much fun it is for him and how much he loves his class (he still loves you the most ;)) and so you somehow got him to go back. Probably because you were nagging him so much about it that, at some point, he gave up on protesting.

It was a normal (inseart your least favourite day here (except for saturday or sunday)) and you've just woken up. Well, you were forced to wake up because SOMEONE playing "kick it till it pop" with your bladder. Even if you didn't spill any liquid on your bed, you were still in a hurry to get to the toilet.
After having your business done, you got down to do your daily stuff. It wasn't as much as it used to be, but you were still stubborn enough to have at least some chores to do, telling your husband that if you had nothing to do, you would go insane.

As you're about to make some breakfast, you notice that you're out of almost everything eatable. You waddle down to the basement, but there it didn't look much different which means one thing: grocery shopping. After you let out the cats to get some activity, you get into the car and drive to your nearest groceries store. After a time and energy consuming tour through the store, you finally get home again.

Why was it so time and energy consuming? Because people would just stare at you, doing nothing else but that. Seeing a retired pro hero heavily pregnant sure was something special. Some creep even asked it he could touch your stomach or be the godfather, regardless that you've never met him before.

Finally home, you somehow managed to get inside your home, having problems handling your now massive stomach and two bags full of groceries. You cats have already come back, faster than usual. They also are kind of fuzzy, but you think nothing of it, just wanting to be done with that.

After finally everything packed where it belongs, you hear your cats meowing in a worried way (if that makes sense). You go in the living room, flopping on the couch before you knees give in. All day, you had this immense headache but just ignored it. Your cats both jump to you on the couch and rest themselves on your stomach. They rub their head against you, making them turn to lie on their back, stomach in the air.
Right in that moment, you get a notification on your phone you really didn't want to hear. Hoping it's a false alarm, you slowly turn it around, being hit with the realisation that it is not a false alarm "⚠️Warning⚠️ Earthquake near⚠️Level: 7,5".
Not good. Really not good. As fast as you can, you stand up and panic, not knowing what you're supposed to do. *Call Shouta* is the most rational thought that comes to your mind.
Right as you are about to call him, he already calls you.
"I think you know what's about to happen?" He asks, a little worried. "Yes but I can't really think of what to do now" you tell him, trying to get your cats and not panik. "When the class renovated out house, we did the best to make it earthquake-proof. Just go...into the one room in the basement. You know, the one that's filled with all of your old stuff back from high school." He says while you can hear his class in the background and how they all are getting under their tables.
"Yes, just let me...ouch, o-oh, not good, not good" you feel a sharp pain slowly coming from your back area. "Is everything alright? Was is it? Are you hurt?" your partner rambles in the phone all those questions. Not sure yourself what that was, you just pushes it of with a "Yeah, uh yeah I'm fine, just hit my foot.", hoping that Shouta wouldn't worry about you but fully knowing that he will. "Aizawa Y/N, I know you better than everyone, stop trying to play it down" he tells you in a deep, firm voice. "No really, I'm completly fi-" is all you could say before the ground begann to shake under your feet.

Shouta's POV:
"Please tell me you're in the basement" I ask, the class now more silent than ever. "Not quite but I'm almost...shit" Is what comes out of my phone with a thump. "Y/n, what's happening?" I ask, now even more concerned than before. "I fell, and can't stand up, please, I don't know what to do-  AAARGH" is the last thing that comes out of my phone and after that just *toot toot toot* and that sound continuing all over and over again. 'When they were screaming, a big wave was just happening' I think to myself, trying to stay as calm as possible. "You all stay here. You are high schoolers now so I imagine you can handle this. Nobody move" I order my class, getting the walking cane that I have to use and getting out as fast as possible.

"Hey, everybody back in their classrooms...Shouta? What are you doing out here? Why aren't you in class" Hizashi asks, as we both try to stay steady while another wave comes around, him doing a better job than me while I almost crash on the floor. "Look after my class, I will explain later" I tell him, trying to get going while the wave still goes on. "I have a feeling what's happening, go on" he replies, leaning with his shoulder against the wall, trying to get to my classroom.
I finally decide to drop my cane, which doesn't really help in this Situation anyways.

When I finally get to our house, I see nothing out of the ordinary, just some flickering lights. The earthquake itself is almost over and it's now easier for me to walk, still not the most graceful walk but I do my best. When I come to the door, I can simply push it open, probably because of one of the waves made it loose. When I push it open, I can see Y/n's feet lying on the ground, next to some things that fell down from the shelves. I stumble forward, trying to get to them as fast as possible, not really doing it good and ending up lying next to them. When I got closer, I already noticed that something must have fallen on their head which made them unconscious. That theory was just confirmed by a big wound on their head, full of blood streaming out of it. Our cats are lying next to them, licking Y/n's hand and not getting away from them.

I don't know how but I somehow managed to call an ambulance, checking on our kids as good as possible and just praying. Praying to... whatever that everything will go well...the rest I can't really remember.

*time skip*

2nd POV:
You wake up, the headache that has been with you all day being more intense, stoping you from lifting your head. You feel a band around your stomach while you hear three heartbeats. One of them being your own and the other ones of your twins. After your eyes adjusted to the area, you notice that you are it the hospital, again. "Hey there" you hear a low voice coming from your husband who has his head leaned on your stomach. "Hey" you say, weakly with not much energy. The rest of your energy goes into your hand so you can rest it on Shouta's head, slowly going through his hair.

"They said you're going to stay here for a little while. Not sure how long, just to check on you, if everything is ok and all of that" he tells you while his hand makes his way to yours, his rough but at the same time gentle hands resting on yours. "It also looks like you began to have Braxton-hicks, which is also the reason I believe you fell." he continues, but not for long because shortly after you woke up, you are already asleep again.

(That's all for this chapter hope you enjoyed. See ya (or "talk to ya over those little notes") again soon)

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