Dodging Bullets

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A/n: SO!  After that enormous hiatus I am finally back!  First of all I want to say thanks to everyone for all their patience during this time.  I know I haven't updated in 6 months, so the fact that y'all are still here I means everything to me.  Speaking of updates, I am hoping to make up for lost time this summer break, so hopefully, we'll be seeing a lot more of this cracked fic!  I am also hoping that those chapters will be more original, because I honestly don't like just copying from the episodes.

 Anyway, before this installment I want to apologize for any sloppiness, I have been writing this chapter in short bursts over the course of the last few months so idk if it's really my best work.  But, anyway, so sorry again for the long wait and hopefully we'll get into more frequent updates!  Thanks and enjoy!  ❤️❤️❤️

Abby urged Omega to go faster as they barrelled through the streets. Abby felt bad about it, truthfully; the latter of the girls was already panting and looked ready to pass out from exhaustion. But, they had to get out of harm's way. Abby could already hear the disgruntled shouts of the civilians as the bounty hunter behind them pushed her way through the crowds. Their adversary was closing in.

Despite her previous resolve to get Omega to safety, Abby was quickly beginning to see that it would be easier said than done. Omega was falling behind, barely able to keep pace. Need a new plan, something to get us some cover–even temporarily, Abby thought, urgent and vigilant.

Blinded by her desperation, fear, and survival instincts, Abby looked every which way for a safe exit. There, Abby resolved, seeing an abandoned corner. Grabbing Omega's wrist to pull her along, she dove into the secluded street corner. Both gasped for breath as she did. Abby covered Omega's mouth with her hand, using the other to gesture to be quiet. Frantically, Abby glanced around them, looking for some sort weapon, an escape, something-


A maintenance tunnel, probably leading to the sewers or storm shelter underneath the city, was built into the foreground. Abby wordlessly tapped Omega's shoulder then pointed to the red and gold hatch. Getting the message, Omega didn't think twice and crawled forward beside Abby. They opened the hatch then clambered down the ladder into the maintenance tunnel.

Immediately, the horrible smells of mildew, rust, and rot assaulted her nostrils, making Abby want to gag. 'Mildew is a mil-don't,' she thought to herself as the nauseating scent prevailed. Besides choking on her own spit and grumbling to herself, Abby refused to allow the scent to distract her from her mission objective: getting Omega to safety. She really hoped the Havoc Marauder was ready to leave.

"This way," Abby whispered, gesturing for Omega to follow.

With that, both girls darted down one of the passages. Abby could feel the nervousness radiating off her partner, which was fair. They could only pray that their assailant hadn't noticed their plan, or, in the least, that it would buy them some time.

"How do you know that this is the right way?" Omega asked worriedly; she still sounded quite winded from all their running.

"Heh, I don't," Abby huffed breathlessly, half from exhaustion, half from amusement.

That was the way of the Bad Batch: guess and hope, only mingled with skill. Those were Abby's thoughts at least. Amusedly, she recalled the time she had told this to the other Batchers, who had all promptly complained about her lack of faith in them and their abilities. Nonetheless, Abby refused to deny the fact that the Force and luck always seemed to be on their side, as they all probably should have died at least 10 times each by that point.

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