Cut and Run-Part 1

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A/n: WELCOME BACK EVERYONE :D In case you are new here and didn't see the note in the description, the book is a SEQUEL to my previous Bad Batch fic, "Harmless" Adventures with the Bad Batch, so you should probably read that on first.  Anyways, I am really happy to starting my next fic, even if it's just a direct sequel to something I already wrote.  The first 2 chapters of this one are going to be a story arc then back to my signature silly fluff (how ironic, that's how the original fic started too :p)  

Just a quick reminder again that I will only loosely be following the plot of the actual Bad Batch show.  So don't come at me.  I am of course going to try to rescue Crosshair ASAP because Disney hasn't done it yet.  (Today is Aug. 6, 2021, season 1 episode 15 just came out.  I haven't seen it yet so NO SPOILERS!)

Part 2 will be out in a few days!  Enjoy the first chapter of 'The Unmaking!'

It was odd for Abby Haywood to think back almost exactly two years before, when she had been nothing more than a simple bounty hunter in Blackspire Outpost. Clone Force 99, or the Bad Batch as they preferred to be called, had recruited her for a covert operation on Geonosis (that's a whole other story) The Bad Batch was a squad consisting of four men: Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Hunter, who was the Sergeant and leader of the group. They were all medically "defective" clones and each had their own enhancement as a result of their genetic modifications; Hunter had heightened senses, which allowed him to feel electromagnetic frequencies, Tech was exceptionally intelligent, Wrecker was effortlessly as strong as a Rancor, and Crosshair had extraordinary eyesight, making him a phenomenal sharpshooter.

After their mission on Geonosis together, the Bad Batch had proposed that Abby stay with them full time as a GAR recruit. Seeing that she didn't have a future on Batuu and that the five had gotten along at least decently well, she accepted, completely oblivious to the strong bonds that she would form with each of them.

As the war dragged on, she grew close to the men she would eventually consider to be her brothers. The five became a very tight-knit group after fighting through the thick-and-thins of war. Eventually, they would accept another member to their dysfunctional family: a reg named Echo. Only a few months prior, he had been held prisoner on Skako Minor as an algorithm experiment by the Techno Union. That was before the Bad Batch, Captain Rex, and General Skywalker had rescued him. By the time they found him, he was more machine than man, percentage was at least, as Tech would say. Either way, he had made his way into their team-made-de-facto-family as they carried on though the war.

And for a long time, they felt indestructible. Sure, the Bad Batchers were aware of the dangers of war, the inevitable injuries and possible death, but the bonds between the six misfits felt more durable than fate could tempt. They always recovered from their sustained injuries, took care of themselves, and were skilled on the field, but most importantly, they always had each others' backs. So they would be, had to be, safe.

Of course Order 66 and the newly found Galactic Empire changed just about all of that.

Less than two days before, something changed the clone troopers in the GAR, making them attack and kill the Jedi that they had worked and fought alongside for the past three years. According to reports, the Jedi had committed treason against the Republic and were to be terminated immediately, along with anyone who disobeyed Order 66. The Bad Batch had been on the planet Kaller when the Order happened. Helping a padawan escape from the unified madness of the regs, the Batchers had disobeyed the command before returning to Kamino, where a whole 'nother adventure unfolded.

First, they learned that the war had ended, which was a surprise in itself. Shortly after that, they discovered that the Republic had dissolved into a new Galactic Empire. Then, Admiral Tarkin (that bastard) took notice of the Bad Batch's skill and proficiency and requested to see them in action; first in a test and then on a mission. The mission was when things really went south though. Tarkin had sent them to track down and kill a group of insurgents, who turned out to be Republic fighters. Hunter had ordered the Bad Batchers not to harm any of them, which apparently didn't sit well with Tarkin or Crosshair, of all people.

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