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Beomgyu: let's go to the park together!

Y/n: hm?

Beomgyu: like a picnic.

Y/n: sure, at what time?

Beomgyu: let's go around five, parks aren't usually full.

Y/n: ok

I nodded and continued eating my breakfast. Beomgyu started going back to his apartment and sleeping there, leaving me here. It did feel lonely somehow. But all was good, San told Beomgyu that they were roommates for a reason so he went back.

Beomgyu still kept visiting me but just slept over at his apartment. After some hours passing I went to the supermarket. Maybe I can cook him something.

Me: What do you want to eat?

Gyu🐶: I was thinking of getting some street food. I wasn't thinking of anything in particular.

So he wants street food. I'll just take some homemade kimchi. Oh! I could make a cake.

Me: I just got an idea! See you at 5!

Gyu🐶: YUP!

Our conversation was short but for us It was normal now. We were adults now and had to pay attention on our lives, and not just texting eachother.

I grabbed the ingredients and went back to my apartment. Normally I wouldn't hinde anything, but today was an exception. I tried not to make noise and carefully go inside my apartment without alerting anyone around.

It didn't take long for me to finish the cake, it wasn't best, but we all start somewhere. While I was grabbing my keys I saw the note he gave me all those years ago, on our first date. Once I read it I knew that he cared about me, and I fell on love.

Before leaving the apartment I heard a thud coming from the walls. Beomgyu's side of the wall. I stood in silence trying to hear anything else. It happened again, a thud followed by another thud. What's going on? Are they ok?

Worried, I went to my neighbors door and knocked. Beomgyu slightly opened the door.

Beomgyu: heeey whatsup~

Y/n: are you okay, I heard loud noises.

Beomgyu: I'm better than ever! You can go ahead of me I still have to do some stuff.

Y/n: why are you acting weird.

Beomgyu: Weird, aren't I always weird?

Y/n: you are, but it's just unsettling.

He looked at me with a guilty look. He was hiding something. Just them another sound came from the inside with a small cry. A women's cry.

Y/n: it's fine, I'll just go.

Beomgyu: I'm sorry.

Y/n: I'll set up the picnic, I'll wait.

No other words came out, I just left. It did hurt, but it was his business, and if what something personal, it would just be embarrassing for me and him. I trust him. And I don't want to be the girlfriend who's in their partners business because of a misunderstanding.

It didn't take long for me to get to the park, it was warm and sunny just the perfect temperature to relax outside. I loved it.

I set up the small picnic and even took some pictures of the set up. While I was still my hunger took over, I ordered some food online. After some time of waiting again I looked at the time it was exactly 5.

I heared foot steps behind me. He came just in time. But when I turned around it wasn't the person I was expecting.

Delivery person: Y/n? Here's your food.

I nodded and thanked the person. And they left after I payed. I started doubting myself. How come I'm too soft with him but on everyone else's neck. I got mad at Yeji when she left me at a coffee shop once, but how am I not mad at Beomgyu? I'll just wait a bit longer, traffic starts around this hour.

I started eating food and went on my phone I saw some couple of tik toks. A lot of them were Music related and even cooking related, I got the idea of making a cake here. I was halfway done but stopped. He could be coming at any moment. I grabbed a book a brought and started reading it while laying on my back. I placed the picnic right below a tree so we could get some shade. The weather was warm and the shade created a cool temperature just the right one.

I was at the climax in the book and was reading intensely. I heared foot steps once again, I sat up and looked at the guy. Instead of a certain someone, it was Junhwan.

Y/n: Junhwan! What are you doing here?

Junhwan: I'm taking some days off. What about you?

Y/n: I'm having a picnic

Junhwan: can I join, looks kinda lonely.

I looked down and saw that had two cups set up, and even two plates, silverware, everything, I had two of everything. I looked at the time and saw two hours have past.

Y/n: of course! Come, sit.

We both sat down.

Y/n: Did you bribe your coach into letting you go?

Junhwan: kinda, but that doesn't matter, I'm here now.

Y/n: Yes you are!

Junhwan: did you see me on the big screen.

Y/n: you were in a movie!?

Junhwan: No! I was talking about the Olympics.

Y/n: I know, And I did, did you think I wasn't? When I saw your name on the list I had it on my calendar.

Junhwan: really?

Y/n: mhm, I even skipped some sleep for you.

Junhwan: Really? Please don't do that. You should sleep, don't even skip sleeping!

Y/n: I won't I promise.

Junhwan: plus I didn't even win.

Y/n: But we both had to admit Nathan nailed that last performance.


Y/n: MHM, The way he slid on the ice and landed those jumps so perfectly, you basically can't blame the judges.

Junhwan: and the last part of it, HE BASICALLY DANCED LIKE HE WAS ON LAND.

Y/n: BUT! My heart will forever belong to Hanyu

Junhwan: I'm starting to believe you only watched the Olympics for him.

Y/n: oh I did.

Junhwan: Hey.

Y/n: don't worry, I was cheering for you most of the time.

Junhwan: most of the time?

Our conversation varied in many subjects, I looked at the time again. It was 8 the sun was starting to set. I give up, I took out the cake I made.

Y/n: let's have some cake before the day ends.

Junhwan: alright.

We cut the cake and started eating.

Junhwa: Woah- this is delicious, where do you get it?

Y/n: I made it!

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