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I looked down at my creation.

Y/n: I mean, I guess that works.

I looked beside me to the two empty plates waiting for omelets to be placed. I set the table waiting for Beomgyu to come out of my room. I remember everything. His sweet voice singing to me. Everything, even if I did remember everything I still needed to apologize. I was drunk.

I grabbed some water and placed it on the table. I heared the door open. Looking up and seeing Beomgyu standing there awkwardly. He probably thinks I don't remember.

Y/n: come and sit down, I made breakfast.

He just nodded and slowly sat down. What do I tell him, do I just straight up tell him? No, that's too boring. We eventually began eating, it was silent.

Y/n: do you like it, gyu?

I looked at him. He coughed, he was choking. A few hits on his chest and some water later he looked at me.

Beomgyu: you remember?

I nodded. He had stars in his eyes. Just like a puppy receiving a treat. A huge smile crawled on his face, while I continued eating.

Beomgyu: Are we officiall now?

I nodded again. I can finally call Beomgyu my boyfriend. He had a huge smile on his face and we both continued eating. Once we finished he helped me wash the dishes. It was mostly quiet, but it was comfortable.

Beomgyu: do you have plans later?

Y/n: I have class this afternoon, you?

Beomgyu: me too. What about later.

Y/n: no, not really. Depends on my class.

Beomgyu: oh, Ok.

He seemed to be a little disappointed at my words. I had no control over my class schedule. Because this was an overseas class everything was strict, including our schedules. I haven't even told anyone accepted for Yeji why I was actually here. I was here to study heart beats, and exercising. How our heart beats faster when we run and so on. Once I was done washing the dishes, I patted his hair. It was soft.

Y/n: don't worry, I'm here for a year.

Beomgyu: you'll be leaving in a year?

Y/n: That's what's in my schedule, yeah.

Beomgyu: don't leave me again.

He hugged me.

Y/n: it's ok, I won't be going anywhere for the time being.

Beomgyu: promise

He backed away a bit, still clinging onto me. He stuck out his pinky. I couldn't help but to smile and link out pinkies together. He kissed me.

Y/n: I promise.

He hugged me with a huge smile on his face. I looked at the time it was 10:30

Y/n: I have to get ready, you should go get ready too.

He simply nodded.

Beomgyu: bye, love you.

Y/n: love you too.

He kept walking backwards.

Beomgyu: I already miss you.

Y/n: I have to go shower, go.

Beomgyu: I kinda don't want to.

Y/n: I'll call you later, ok?

Beomgyu: ummmm

He was walking backwards and tripped on his shoes. Beomgyu than put on his shoes the slowest way possible. I walked in front of him.

Y/n: don't be late for class

I walked him out, I stood at the door waiting for him to go inside his apartment.

Y/n: bye

Beomgyu: bye~♡

I smiled at him and closed my door. It felt good to have him back. Eventually moving on from everything I went to take a shower. And changed right after. I finished getting ready and looked at tye time it was 11:27. I grabbed my bag and left to the place we were super to meet.

Not long after I got there just in time. Still early, the class hasn't started yet.

Seoho: what took you so long?

Wendy: your one of the first people to show up?

Y/n: I slept late.

Seoho: she was probably drunk.

He looked at Wendy.

Y/n: I was.

Seoho: see

Wendy: you need to stop drinking when we just got here.

Y/n: I was celebrating with my friends, so it's fine.

Seoho: fine, but don't be late next time.

Y/n: I'm not late, I'm on time.

Wendy: the professor is here.

We all stood up straight and looked at the professor.

Dr. Lee: Okay, I'm glad you all were able to make the trip and be here. Now, we will be working with the dance department of SNU. You will be assigned a partner and will be with that partner for the remainder of the semester. No exceptions.

We all agreed and waited for the dance students to come I side the meeting room. I looked down at my clipboard and saw the documents of a student names Niki. A male a year younger than me. He's known for his strong and sharp moves. He's Japanese too, and on top of his class.

Y/n: who did you get?

Seoho: I got a guy named Xion, pretty young too.

Wendy: I got a guy named Sunoo.

We heared the doors open and one by one the students came in. I searched for Niki and found the unexpected. Beomgyu was one of the students among them. Once our eyes met he walked up to me.

Beomgyu: what are you doing here.

Y/n: I'm here because of class. Are you one of the students?

Beomgyu: yeah, I'm in the dance department.

He hugged me, a huge smile was on his face untill he looks at my clipboard

Beomgyu: what's this?

He grabbed it and looked through the papers.

Y/n: That's my partner. I could ask if I can switch, if you want.

He stayed silent while staring down at the papers.

Beomgyu: it's fine, I trust you.

He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.
I nodded. My heart skipped multiple beats. He changed, if we were in Highschool, he would have whined about it untill I changed partners to be with him.

Loser《Beomgyu》Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat