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I started hearing groans ahead, a female voice and a Male voice. They were heading straight toward me. I kept walking and was face to face with Sunghoon and Y/n. She seemed to be half asleep, and drunk.

Sunghoon: Beomgyu, I was about to call you. I remember you saying she was your neighbor, please take her home. I have to take Taehyun home too.

He looked like he was in a rush so I simply nodded and hooked Y/n onto me. I looked straight ahead of me seeing Sunghoons figure disappear in the darkness. Instead of dragging Y/n adjusted her and started carrying her on my back.

I could feel her deep breaths on my neck. It was warm.

Y/n: why do you hate me?

She whispered. Was she talking to me? Or is she asleep?

Y/n: Why do you hate me Gyu?

Gyu? I've never heard her say that!

Beomgyu: I don't hate you.

Y/n: than why did you leave. I had a surprise and everything prepared for you, and you called me liar and left me alone and ghosted me.

She was talking like a crying child. Something I never expected to come out of Y/n. She always had the cool additude. But this, this was something else.

Beomgyu: because I was mad because you called me an annoying dog.

Y/n: but you are one. You always got into my business, but I liked that about you, it felt like I had someone to turn to.

I let her words sink in. The problem was me.

Y/n: you remind me of a puppy that constantly needs love and affection.

Unexpectedly I felt her lips land on my cheek. She gave me a kiss and hugged me tight.

Not long after we arrived at the apartments. Giving my back a break inside the elevator. We were standing in front of her apartment. But hesitated on opening it.

Y/n: come inside.

Without giving me a choice she dragged me inside her house. It was decorated nicely

I suddenly felt soft lips on mine. The roles switched. It felt good. I love her. I kissed her back grabbing her waist. We both took a break to catch out breaths. I took the chance to look at the clock. It was about to be three am. Is this ok?

I looked at her, she was crying. What do I do. I looked everywhere, she was looking down. What do I do?

I hugged her.

Beomgyu: don't cry

She hugged me back. Y/n grabbed onto my jacket and hooked herself on me.

Beomgyu: you should get some sleep.

I grabbed her hand and led her to her room. I could hear her cries behind me. Just hearing her cry broke my heart. I haven't seen her cry like this before. Once we got inside her room I put her to bed. She hasn't said anything. She laid down on her bed and I covered her in her blankets.

She continued to cry. I kneeled on the floor facing her.

Beomgyu: So we drive on the left lane out in a rush
Looking back at the red lights passing us by

I sang to her while stroking her hair. She looked at me, her tears stopped coming down. A little after she closed her eyes, and I continue to sing to her

Beomgyu: Yes, I know we shouldn't go that far
But I could wonder
Gimme a feeling slowly in a déjà vu
Gimme a feeling, do you wanna feel it too?
Gimme a feeling slowly in a déjà vu
Gimme a feeling 'cause you wanna feel it too

I want this to continue. I need to start trusting her, or else I'll keep hurting her. Her sleepy face was cute. Her eyes were shut and the tears were starting to dry

Beomgyu: If this time is the last drive out in the haze
Take me in for the last time into your eyes
Yes, I know we shouldn't go that far
But I could wonder
Gimme a feeling slowly in a déjà vu
Gimme a feeling, do you wanna feel it too?

I hummed the instrumental pause. She was asleep. I couldn't help but smile at her. I touched her cheek, it was soft. I wiped off some of the tears that haven't dried. I don't want to see her cry again.

Beomgyu: Gimme a feeling slowly in a déjà vu
Gimme a feeling, do you wanna feel it too?
Gimme a feeling slowly in a déjà vu
Gimme a feeling 'cause you wanna feel it too

I am ready to commit everything for her. I don't want what happened four years ago to happen again. I got up looking down on her. She looked so peaceful. I turned off the light from the lamp beside the bed.

Just when I turned around I felt a hand on my wrist.

Y/n: come back, please.

I looked at her. Her eyes were glowing. All I could do was lay down next to her. I smiled at her.

Beomgyu: Goodnight

I whispered to her

Y/n: goodnight gyu.

She caressed my cheek with her hand. My arms around her waist, our bodies close together, her warmth felt like heaven. I want to stay like this forever. Before I knew it I was asleep with her in my arms.

The next morning came faster than I imagined. I woke up to the same bed as last time, but this time I did remember what happened. I looked beside me seeing nothing next to me. I stood up trying to wake myself up, and process what happened last night. While looking back I felt butterflies start to fry around. I could feel my face heat up. And Gyu? I smiled at myself while hugging one of the pillows, it smelled like her.

I don't know how to describe this feeling, I loved it. I can't stop smiling

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