I frown, so it's common here too? I though Italy is different.

Then that means my brothers will also move out?

At tha thought my heart drops to my stomach, I don't how it did, maybe my heart is very bouncy.

I'll be alone again, they will leave me, just like Monica's brother.

"Monica, you can always go to him, he just moved out but he's still in your life" I say more like trying to convince myself.

This somehow convinces her, but my mind is still stuck at the same thought.

Will they all leave me?

Oliver's pov

Something is wrong with Mona she is lost somewhere and is looking very distant. I frown.

I nudge Sam, who is like looking at hamburger like he's gonna attack it anytime soon.

He gives me his famous irritated look.

I move my eyes toward Mona, directing him.

He frowns, he comes closer to me and then whispers.

"Hai quel periodo del mese?"

(Are you having that time of the month?)

I hit him with my foot.

How could he?

I mean yes, I once wore a pad because I thought boys too get periods but I will never repeat that mistake again.

"Se smetti di guardare il cibo, guarda quanto è sconvolta Mona." I say and he glances at Mona.

(If you stop eye-rapping the food, just see how upset Mona is looking.)

"Mona what happened?" He asks her, she glances at him, the spark in her eyes which was always there was missing today. It was replaced with...I don't know, what?

I'm not a eye reader people.

She shakes her head.

"Nothing just tired" she says quietly.

Who can say something quietly?

Something is definitely wrong with her, and also something is wrong with me too.


We all reach home, Mona quickly gets out of the car and runs toward the house.

I frown, it pains me when she doesn't open to me or any of us, but this time it will not be the case, I'll talk to her this time, with a little help of Marco.

We enter the house and see Mom frowning.

"What happened to my baby?" She asks us.

I shrug.

"I don't know, one moment she was fine but now she's closing herself" I say in English.

She says nothing but shrugs.

"She's a pre-teen these things happen, but I'll talk to her." she says.

She better otherwise I'll have to take this matter in my own hands.

It's night already and Mona still hasn't talked to any of us, maybe Monday talked to her, as her twin he understands and feels what she's feeling.

I'm very jealous of their relationship, I mean I don't have a twin but seeing them makes me wonder what if Mona was my twin.

When she was taken from us, I was a baby, I don't remember anything but when my big bs talked about Mona, there was always this crave or feeling of having a sister or finding my sister. When she came back, I was the happiest I know we don't spend that much. She's spending time with everyone, I'm just waiting for my turn.

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