Chapter seven | Change of plans.

Começar do início

"Mrs. Jauregui..." Olivia mumbles, covering her face in embarrassment making both of us burst out laughing.

After getting to know more bout Olivia's fifth grade teacher. I had seemed to slowly begin to like Olivia's teacher very much. She was kind and helpful. Olivia is very lucky to have a teacher like her.

I finnaly decide to go home because it was getting late and Lauren had some errands to run. We say our lasts goodbyes before I head out to leave for home.


Ally POV

The bell was about to ring so it was time to bring all the kids inside so they could pack up all their belongings before their parents got here to take them home.

I walk over and stand in front of the whole playground and then start to call for everyone to line up so we could all go inside

"Come on guys! It's time to go! I shouted clapping my hands together for them to hear me.

"Ms. Ally? Is it time to go already? I hear a tiny voice ask me.

"Yes, Riley now go on and line up with the other students, okay" I say giving her a light shove over to where all the other children were lined up.

"Is everyone in the line?" I ask looking from left to right to make sure no one was left behind.

"Yes, Ms. Ally!" They all said in unison.

"Okay, let's go inside then!" I say, nodding over to the one-story building.

After finally making our way inside the building safely, I unlock the classroom door and let all of my students in. They all rush over to get all of their belongings and then take a seat over a wooden bench where they would wait for their parents to pick them up.

"Auntie Ally, can you help zipper up my sweater please" I hear a small voice that was barely audible say.

"Of course sweet baby. Come here let me help you" I crouch down to her level and take the small pink zipper in my fingers before pulling it all the way up

"There you go Mila. All done" I stand and give her a smile before taking her hand in mine.

Camila has been awfully quiet today which was not too concerning because she was already like that from the start but, she barely spoke a word today. She was usually always taking to me but today she barely even said hello. It's bothering me so I decide to have a little chat with her before she leaves.

I take her over to my desk and lift her up on the table before speaking.

"Is everything alright, Mila? You've been really quiet today." I ask her, brushing a few baby hairs away from her face.

"Yes" she replies not looking up at me.

"Are you sure? You know you can talk to me right?"

"Yes Auntie Ally, I'm just tired and I want to go home now." She says fidgety with her tiny fingers

"Okay honey, your mom will be here soon I promise." I lean down and give a gentle kiss on her forehead.


Lauren POV

After Olivia and her mom left for home, I had about an hour in a half until I had to pick Camila up from kindergarten. Since I wasn't able to go to school today, I got to have some time to do unfinished work and set up meetings with parents for the upcoming week.

From the corner of my eye, I see my phone light up with an unknown caller ID. I grab my phone and answer the call button before speaking through the line.

My angels. (Fifth Harmony)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora