Reality Setting In

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Haileys pov
"To you, congratulations babe" Tess said as we raised our champagne glasses to Riley, I obviously only pretended to drink. We decided to do a quick dinner with just the five of us since the guys were knee deep in work.
"Thank you guys for this dinner, I know we all have a lot going on" Riley said "yes but we're not just gonna skip over your engagement like it's not important. What did his mom say" I asked "well the party is this weekend and she was sort of happy but not as happy as my parents or even his dad" "well you know how she is. It's her only kid and she acts like she'll die without him" Summer said "I know. Do you have to get home with Dixie soon" "no. Isaac took the night off to stay with her. Said he wanted to" "that's sweet. How is she doing" Rory asked "not good. She's been in her room most of the time. I usually sleep with her because she doesn't like being alone" "anything from the police" "Isaac heard about it this morning. It was ruled as an accident so that's one thing we don't have to worry about" "yea".

"So Leo's doing fine being back in Manhattan" Rory asked "yea, really good. We went on a date last night. He's been apologizing for days" Summer said with a smile "he's a sweetheart. Did he ever say what made him get out of his funk" Tess asked "no. He just said that clearing his mind helps so we made a deal that he'll tell me ahead of time and we'll get out of town before he loses his shit" "that's good" "Isaac would just let him leave whenever" Rory asked me "I think he would, he understands that he's in a bad place" "okay good".

"So when do you move" Tess asked Rory, we were obviously doing some catching up "this weekend. We both have busy weeks but we'll have some time then and Isaac and Hailey and Gio and Jacob's friend Zack and his fiancé are helping out" "that's good. Let's us know if you need anything" "I will and we're gonna have a little house warming thing when we're all settled" "okay".

Dixies pov
"You really don't have to stay, I know you have work to do" I said as he brought food back into the room "I want to stay. If they need me my phone is on" he said smiling "I talked to mom earlier" "about what" "asked how I was and if I wanted to come home" "do you? I don't want you to think I'm trying to keep you here" "I don't think that. Honestly I would rather be here" "why, what's up" "dad will be gone a lot and mom will hound me and I just can't take it right now" "I understand. Hailey said you still won't sleep alone" "nightmares" "fair" "I just keep seeing cuts of that night and at the end of it I'm just watching his blood puddle closer and closer to my feet" "I'm sorry Dixie. I feel like I should've done more" "so that's why you're here" "what do you mean" "you feel guilty but you shouldn't" "I do feel guilty but that's not why I'm here. I love you kid and I'll always be here when you're hurting" he said and I gave him a soft smile.

"Can I ask you something" I said looking up at him "go ahead" "when you killed someone for the first time, even though you were much older than I am now, was it hard" "no but-" "oh so I'm just weak. So much for being a Castellano right" "let me finish. No, but that wasn't a good thing. Dad raised me to put my emotions last, especially in regards to work and responsibilities. You weren't raised like that, thankfully" "you think that's a good thing" I asked "yes, you're not a heartless Italian like the rest of us" he said laughing as I joined him, felt good to do that after so long "are you gonna leave when Hailey comes home" "do you want me to" "no but I feel like I'm occupying a lot of your time, both of you" "you're not. When she gets home, we'll watch a movie. I will be gone tomorrow so I don't mind" "okay" I said before he hugged me tightly.

Haileys pov
"Hey Denise, are they awake" I asked putting my bag on the kitchen counter "they should be. I'm just finishing up" "okay. Thank you" "you're welcome. How are you feeling" "good. I had to fake drink champagne because I don't want to tell anyone before I tell my husband" "feeling stressed" "no but I do have an appointment coming up and that's a little nerve wracking" "okay. Have a good night Hailey" "you too Denise" I said before she walked out of the back door and I went upstairs.

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