Guard Up

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Haileys pov
"I'm ready" I said getting down to the kitchen with Gio and Isaac "can I at least finish my coffee cake" Gio mumbled "where did you even get that from" "Denise brought them in thank you" "yea sure. Where are you gonna be today" I asked standing in front of Isaac as he put his phone down "Brooklyn and Staten Island" "for the warehouse" "yea, Rickys gonna meet me there" "okay well be careful" "I will and I'll meet you afterwards" "mhm, please don't be late" "I won't" "thank you. Well I have to get to work Giovanni so please" "fine come on" he said as I handed him the keys and kissed Isaac then we left.

"Do you actually have to come in with me this time" I asked as he followed me to the elevator "yes I do, the boss says so" "when do you ever listen" "uh if anything happens to you I'm dead and I kind of like living" "yea yea. Well don't stay too long. I actually have a manager" "fine" he said as we got to the floor and went to my desk.

"What are you working on" he asked grabbing a piece of paper as I turned on my laptops "scheduling interviews, trying to at least" "for what" "for the CEO to talk about some tech to help people hear" "a hearing aid" "more or less" "hm that's kind of cool" "mhm. What's Isaac going to Brooklyn for, do you know" "a meeting with Mr. Villa Nueva" "because they're allied with the Castellanos" "yea. Do you always worry about him this much" "honestly yes" "oh wow, he's lucky to have you. You know I didn't think he cared to ever get married" "really" "yea, his family would talk about and obviously other families. You know there was Isabella and Kennedy and a couple of others that they wanted him to seriously consider but he never gave it a second thought until you" "second thought" "yea I doubt he ever told you but maybe a year after you started dating his parents asked if he was playing you or he was actually serious about marrying you" "and" "he said he couldn't imagine his life without you. It made me sick of course but his tone was as serious as it gets" "well good because I couldn't imagine mine without him either" "so what are you thinking, six kids" "please don't wish six kids on me. I don't think I can handle that" I said laughing as Barbara walked up to my desk.

"Good morning Barbara" I said as we looked over at her "morning. Sorry, I uh didn't know you had a visitor" "it's fine, he's just my brother in law" "oh I'm Barbara, nice to meet you" she said holding her hand out as he shook it and gave those dumb Giovanni flirting eyes that made girls blush "Gio. Nice to meet you" "um I was just giving you these papers Quincy left" "yea thank you" I said before she walked away.

"Ow" he said as I hit him "is it instinct to act the way you do" "what are you talking about" "I work with these people, don't look at her like that" "I wasn't looking at her any way, just wondering if she always wears those shirts to the office" "sure they're a little booby but you have a girlfriend" "I know that Hailey" "mhm. Why don't you kill time and then go pick up lunch" "is that you kicking me out" "yes I am. I have some things to get done before my meeting" "oh fine. Call me if you notice anything suspicious. See you at lunch" "okay" I said before he got up and left.

Dixies pov
"Hey baby where you at" Damon said as I answered "on my way to pick up your mom" "I miss you so much" "I miss you and in a few hours I'll be right there" "and you can only stay for a couple of days" "yea I have class and my grandfather is coming into town" "okay. Well anytime I get to see you is enough" "mhm" "just Henry is coming with you" "Henry and like two of Isaacs guys" "because of that shooting in the news" "mhm" "is everything okay, are you sure you can come" "everything's fine and I'm not missing your first game" "okay. Well I'll probably be at the gym by the time you get here but Jeremiah should be at the dorm to let you in" "sounds good" "are you dropping my mom off at the hotel" "I could, then we could go grab dinner with her after your practice" "yea sounds good" "you have to leave for class right" "yea babe. Just text me when you're leaving and stuff and I'll see you soon" "yea. I love you" "I love you too" he said before we hung up.

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