"Meeting Starclan for the first time is so awesome." Jaypool chuckled and winked at Nutwhisker.

Stripeleaf trotted up to Nutwhisker with Watersplash trailing behind. "You kidnapped Watersplash?!"

"What? No!" Nutwhisker narrowed his eyes at the tabby tom.

"Oh really? Then why is she stuck in Lightclan when she should be in Magiclan?" Stripeleaf snarled.

"I was chased out!" Watersplash growled from behind Stripeleaf but the Monsterclan medicine cat just snarled in reply.

Jaypool lashed his tail, "Stop fighting! If Watersplash were captured, why would she be here? She has obviously come to Lightclan on her own accord."

Stripeleaf sneered, "Whatever. Come on, we're losing moonlight." He stalked towards the Starcave and disappeared into the darkness inside. Shinepaw trotted after him with Jaypool and Nutwhisker trailed behind with Watersplash.

"Sorry Nutwhisker.. I didn't realise Stripeleaf would react the way he did..." Watersplash whispered. 

"It's fine." Nutwhisker shook out his fur and tried to calm the raging fire inside of him. He trotted ahead and caught up to Shinepaw as they neared the waterfall. It was a small waterfall that sent trickling sounds echoing around the tunnel.

Stripeleaf sat at the edge and Jaypool sat uncomfortably beside his mentor. Watersplash sat on the opposite side, allowing Nutwhisker and Shinepaw to stand at the middle, right in front of the waterfall. Water mist floated around the medicine cats, turning their furs dark from dampness.

Nutwhisker began the ceremony,"Shinepaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?"

Shinepaw nodded, "It is."

"Then come forward." Nutwhisker turned to face the waterfall, "Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance with your will." He turned back to Shinepaw. "Now, dip your nose in the waterfall. You'll get a little wet, but it is all worth it."

Shinepaw nodded and leaned over the small pool in front of her and gently pressed her muzzle against the waterfall. Water pounded on her nose for a split second before she pulled away.

"Now sleep." Nutwhisker smiled as he saw her eyes were already drooping and she lay down. She fell asleep almost instantly.

Nutwhisker watched at Watersplash, Stripeleaf and Jaypool all took their turns in dipping their noses into the waterfall and then he too leaned forwards and felt the icy water fall onto his muzzle. Then he lay down beside Shinepaw at the water's edge and drifted into a dream...

Nutwhisker expected to awaken in Starclan but instead all he saw was darkness. He noticed someone beside him and he turned to see Shinepaw. She was scared. "Nutwhisker.. Is this normal?"

"No it isn't. Something is wrong in Starclan. They can't contact us.." Nutwhisker narrowed his eyes and looked around but all he saw was darkness.

They stood silent for a while until Nutwhisker felt the familiar pull as he was being sucked out of his dream. He raised his head and looked up to see he was the first to wake up, followed by Shinepaw. Eventaully, the others woke up and Nutwhisker padded toward Watersplash. "Did you dream?"

"No, I only dreamed of darkness." Watersplash bowed her head, "Something grave is going on in Starclan."

Nutwhisker narrowed his eyes until he suddenly realised. "My mother came to me in a dream a while ago, warning me of a danger! She said that Lightstar firbid Starclan from helping us! Maybe Lightclan has been cut off from Starclan?"

Warriors: The Fading Light ~Series 1 Book 5~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant