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Week have passed and Lisa focused on her mom's company and So Hee understand it.

I missed the old days...... So Hee stated while she's sitting, reminiscing the memories.

Yah! Lisa slow down I might fall......So Hee stated.

That's why I'm here to catch you......Lisa stated.

Just trust me and for pete's sake balance yourself...... Lisa added while helping So Hee to ride a bicycle.

Omo I might fall Manoban......So Hee stated.

Aish just focus okay? Trust me, trust yourself....... Lisa stated.

I'm too stubborn that time, that I fell three times and she got upset because I have a lot of bruises...... So Hee stated.

So Hee decided to left and when she arrived in their house, she started to write something in the notebook.

I don't want to lose you
I love you

I will give this to you when we meet again....... So Hee stated.

Another week have passed and So Hee invited Lisa for a dinner at their favorite restaurant.

What's with the dinner?..... Lisa asked her.

Did I missed something? If I did I'm sorry I got busy with the company, I didn't know that my schedule will be like that...... Lisa stated.

Ani...... So Hee stated and released a deep sigh.

I just missed you...... So Hee stated and Lisa smiled.

Aww don't worry I will finish all the necessary things so I can bond with you...... Lisa stated and So Hee smiled then she pulled out the notebook from her bag

Oh you have that with you.......Lisa stated.

Yeah and I want to tell you something....... So Hee stated.

Okay but what is it?....... Lisa asked her and So Hee looked down.

I know you're interested to the girl you're talking about before you left......So Hee stated while looking down

I'm infront of you, so you better talk to me while looking at me...... Lisa stated which So Hee obeyed.

I'm ready to take a risk Lisa......So Hee stated.

Risk to what?...... Lisa asked her.

Risk our friendship...... So Hee answered.

Believe me I tried to stop it but I just can't..... So Hee stated.

In the fact that I can imagine my future with my best friend......So Hee stated.

I can imagine marrying my best friend...... So Hee added making Lisa stunned.

I'm confused before because I thought it's normal because I'm your best friend, you're my best friend that my love for you will be just friends......So Hee stated.

But now I know that I love you more than that..... So Hee added and handed Lisa the notebook then Lisa opened it.

I love you to the fact that I'm ready to risk our friendship...... So Hee added and Lisa saw all the words that So Hee wrote.

Lisa grabbed a pen and started to write something then handed the notebook back to So Hee.

I couldn't confess to the girl because I saw her with man that night.....Lisa stated.

She's my friend, my best friend.....Lisa added and So Hee read the last page.


As soon as So Hee looked at Lisa, her lips met Lisa's lips.

I love you ...... Lisa stated as she break the kiss

I love you too ...... So Hee stated and Lisa stand up then hugged her from behind.
See I told you they will end up together..... So Hee's Mom stated.

My wife also thinks that...... Lisa's Dad stated while they are watching them.

Friends will stay friends when they feel zero attraction to each other......So Hee's Dad stated.

Yeah that's why we both marry our best friend...... Lisa's Dad stated and smiled.


Hi this is baepriya or lis_rya will really say goodbye this will be finale, I didn't lost my interest on writing because I have some plots in my notebook but sadly I will end here.

Finally saying goodbye and thanking all of you for supporting me ^_^

This is baepriya/lis_rya signing off

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