Chapter 10

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Next Day

When So Hee arrived in their office, Mina and Wendy approached her.

When will that seat will be unavailable?...... Wendy asked her

Later...... So Hee answered.

She's back and she told me that she will go here today...... So Hee added and sat down.

Good to hear....... Mina stated and they sat down.

After a few minutes Lisa finally arrived and she's with a woman.

Lisa long time no see....... Wendy stated.

Yeah long time no see....... Lisa stated.

Who is she?...... Mina asked her.

Oh this is Diana and she will be working with us from now on......Lisa answered.

Diana, this is my friends Mina, Wendy and of course my best friend So Hee......Lisa stated.

Nice to meet you..... Diana stated and they smiled at her.

Just sit over there...... Lisa stated and pointed her chair.

How about you?...... Diana asked her

I'm just gonna buy something...... Lisa answered.

Okay ...... Diana stated and sat down in her chair.

Do you want a coffee?....... Lisa asked So Hee

Yeah...... So Hee answered.

How about the both of you?...... Lisa asked.

Of course...... Wendy answered.

Okay I'll be back...... Lisa stated then left.

So Diana how did you meet Lisa?......Mina asked her.

Oh when she's in Thailand...... Diana answered.

I met her before when we're still kids but she left Thailand with her Mom......Diana answered.

You're the girl that she saved from a guy?...... So Hee asked her.

Yes, how did you know?...... Diana asked her.

She told me....... So Hee answered.

After a few minutes Lisa arrived and handed them the coffee.

Where are you going to sit?......So Hee asked her.

Beside Diana...... Lisa answered and sat beside Diana.

Psh I rather want to see Lisa managing her mom's business than being here with her ....... So Hee said in her mind and looked at her laptop.

I don't understand...... Diana stated making So Hee to look at them and she saw Diana clinging to Lisa's arm.

Is that even require?....... So Hee muttered.

Okay I'm gonna explain it to you again...... Lisa stated and smiled.

I'm gonna rip that mouth of yours......So Hee muttered.

Why are you staring at them?..... Mina asked her and So Hee looked at her.

It's work time and they are just flirting...... So Hee answered.

Why don't you confront them?......Wendy asked her.

Do it, I'm busy....... So Hee stated and looked at her laptop again..

You're busy but you have time to stare at them....... Mina stated.

Lisa.... So Hee called her and Lisa looked at her.

Wae?....... Lisa asked her.

How's the first day here?....... So Hee asked her that made Mina and Wendy look at her in disbelief.

It's good and I'm glad nothing change to our work....... Lisa answered and smiled.

Good to know ........ So Hee stated.

By the way I won't be here tomorrow...... Lisa stated.

Why?...... So Hee asked her.

I need to attend a meeting in the company...... Lisa answered.

Woah you have a company?......Wendy asked her.

It's actually my mom's company but when she died she gave it to me......Lisa answered.

That's awesome except for your mother who died...... Wendy stated.

It's okay, so is it okay?....... Lisa asked her.

It's okay as long as you will still work here ...... So Hee answered.

Thank you, I will just let you take care of Diana....... Lisa stated.

She's already an adult you dumbass.....So Hee said in her mind.

Okay ....... So Hee stated

Lisa I can handle myself and I don't want to disturb her.......Diana stated.

It's okay, you're new here so we should assist you ..... Mina stated.

Okay enough back to work......So Hee stated and they obeyed her while Lisa looked at her before looking at the laptop.

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