~ We Are Guardians ~

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I mouth the words thank you at North before turning to Jack on slow feet - my extreme grin breaking at the seams.

"What am I missing," he questions as his own lips curve into an unknowing smile.

"It's Love," I tell him and I see realisation suffuse into those crystal eyes.

North is the Guardian of wonder.

Sandman is the Guardian of dreams.

Tooth is the Guardian of memories.

Bunny is the Guardian of hope.

Jack is the Guardian of fun.

"I think Love is my center," I state boldly.

"I know it is," he tells me, smirking and stepping closer. "You've got the biggest heart I've seen."

I ponder the knowledge.

The Guardian of Love.

It's what I was born with.

It's what I protect in children.

It's my center.

The world drowns out as I look at Jack and the silence in my head isn't scary, regretful or sad.

It's utter bliss as the ambiance of sun begins to colour the sky.

I look down to my feet, my awkwardness getting the better of me.

"This is truly the most amazing thing I've ever seen," Jack announces

I look up at him, "I'd have to agree-" but he wasn't appreciating the joyful cheers of children and Guardians .

He was gazing at me.

I tilted my head at him but he said nothing.

His eyes flicked between my own and my mouth.

I went to smile, beyond happy about the moment we were in.

But he steals my thought with a kiss.

His lips were cold and refreshing.

It sent fireworks through my mind and butterflies swarming my stomach.

His hand cupped my left cheek and I felt the icy kiss of snowflakes begin to caress my back and arms. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, pumping so fast from excitement.

And before I knew it, I was kissing him back.

He pulls apart and plants a surprisingly gentle kiss on my forehead. "I've been waiting so fricking long to do that," I laugh in a high at his comment. "I'm serious," he chuckles, "it's been a good two centuries." We both smiles at that and for an unknown reason, I just hug him.

"Bad things don't last forever," I remark.

"Well said," Jack squeezes me a little tighter.

"You dare have fun in my presence!" Pitch shouts as the light snow comes to an end. I break the embrace to turn at him. "I am the Boogeyman and you will fear me!" He orders.

But not one child pays attention.

He lunges at Jaime but before I can intervene, the kid runs straight through him.

"NO!" Pitch gasps. "No." He glances towards us and realised he has lost every ounce of power he once held. On quick feet he swirls and starts to run.

But every single Guardian saw this outcome. We are on the other side of the icy lake before Pitch even steps foot on it. He bumps into North as he's frantically running, "leaving the party so soon?"

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