~ Sandy ~

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We all turn our heads the source source of a loud banging to see a big red man sneaking in. We have to tell north to shut up a couple times before he realises Jaime is actually asleep.

"How're you feeling Tooth?" He inquires.

"Believed in," she confirms, an encouraged grin across her face.

Sandman waves at me from the end of the bed when our eyes meet. I didn't even realise he had come in with North until this moment. He really is adorable. I know he is quite literally a sand man and Guardian, but I swear I would protect that sweetheart with my life.

A hole appears in the corner of the room and I see the top half of Bunny come through. "Oh, I see how it is," he sasses. "All working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place."

"Shhhhh!" Everyone urges simultaneously.

"But seriously Bunny," I assure him, "do you think we need help to beat you. Y'a slow-poke," I taunt.

Jack barks out a laugh from behind me. "I agree," he states, grabbing his bag of teeth. "Check it out Peter Cottontail," he shakes it a couple times for dramatic effect.

"You call that a bag of choppers?" The rabbit teases. "Now this..." he grabs aimlessly behind himself, looking for his stolen goods. "What- where- what happened to my choppers!?"

"I don't know," I reply, trying my best to keep a poker face. "But I think I win," I declare, holding up both his bag and my own.

"Give that back," he grumbles, snatching it away from me as Jack chuckles.

"Lady and Gentlemen," North interrupts, "this is about Tooth. It's not a competition," his words trail off but I can tell that's not where they will end by the enormous size of the sack that he carries. "But if it was," there it is, he slams down his loot and causes a resounding thud, "I win!!" North bursts into an array of cheers and I look at Jack with an anxious grin.

The bright spotlight of a torch intrudes the celebrations and everyone freezes.

"Santa Claus?" Jaime questions, sitting up and clearly wide awake. He moves the focus across the room. "The Easter Bunny? Sandman? The Tooth Fairy!" He says at last, "I knew you'd come."

"Surprise!" She chimes, "we came."

Jack stares, absolutely amazed. "He can see us," he remarks and my heart breaks.

"Jack," I whisper earnestly.

"Most of us," Bunny corrects and although it comes off rudely, I can tell he feels sorry for Jack and I as the torch light goes right through us. "Sandy, knock him out," the Rabbit suggests, reminding us all of the situation. He starts palming his fist and Jaime looks between the two, extremely perplexed. "With the Dreamsand you Gumby!" Bunny clarifies.

I swirl grinning to see if Jack just saw what Sandy did, but his eyes are far from focused on this room. I give his hand a gentle squeeze, not to do something weird with water, but just so he knows he's not alone. I am pleasantly surprised when he looks at me in recognition. Although our attention is is recaptured by the sound of growling and the new presence of a very tall and very lean dog.

"That's the Easter Bunny, Abbey, down," Jaime commands, pulling on his pet's collar.

"Nobody panic," Bunny instructs, visibly on the verge of panic himself.

"But that's a greyhound," Jack informs, his mood lightened by the change in situation.

"Do you know what greyhounds do, to rabbits?" I ask my Australian companion.

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