~ That Motherfucker ~

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What have I done.

Why did I just ditch her like that? I'm so stupid. I scream, releasing some built up anger as I soar above the ocean.

It's not really anger, more of a guilt.

(Y/n) would have never just left me when times got tough. So why in the world did I leave her? And what Pitch said. Oh my god I can't stand that thought of that being her worst fear.

If only she knew how important she is to me.

That she has always been my rock.

The person who completes me.

My second half.

And if I had it my way, it would not be just as a friend. Because I know I love her, and all that she is. Someday I pray that I will get the guts to do something about it. But now I've screwed up. I hate myself.

I spot a nice area beneath me and I land on an icy mountain.


Completely and utterly alone.

Because I bolted as soon as I couldn't handle the pain. "Stupid stupid stupid!" I curse at myself.

She must hate me.

Think I'm a total coward. I don't know where she is but I just hope she's safe. Fucking Pitch is out there and I just left.

Oh my god, Jack. What have you done!?

I stare at the object that lays in my hand. It's all their fault. These memories. They're the reason that I dragged (Y/n) down that stupid hole! They're the reason we destroyed Easter! They're the reason that the Guardians hate us!! All because I heard that voice!?

I'm going crazy.

I cry out as I run to the edge of this shelf. My arm is raised and I'm ready to throw this stupid vessel into the Southern Ocean. But I reach the brim.

And I can't.

"WHY!?" I shout, grunting in frustration. I stare at the unfamiliar face on the end of it. Who even was I? Who was (Y/n)?

"Alone and without your little lady love?" This motherfucker couldn't have had worse timing. "I thought this might happen," Pitch murmurs. "They never really believed in either of you... and it looks like she never truely did either. I was just trying to show you that," he expands, causing my eyes to widen and my expression to fall. "But I understand."

My face contorts with rage, "you don't understand anything!" I shout, blasting him with a sheet of ice.

He shields himself easily and if I wasn't so mad, I might be impressed. "No?" He ridicules, "I don't know what it's like to be cast out?!"

I dodge his next attack, becoming airborne and throwing back my own force with all my might. As our powers meet, a fog of flurries and ice unexpectedly clouds my vision.

"To not be believed in?!" I hear his voice echo. "To despise myself!?" Pitch comes into view behind me and I loathe the sight of him. It reminds me of what I've lost. I set my staff into an attacking position. "To long for a family?" The sincerity in his voice catches me off guard and I lower my weapon. "All those years in the shadows I thought no one else knows what this feels like..." I think of (Y/n), and how happy I felt when we met for the first time. "I see now that I was wrong. We don't have to be alone, Jack."

"We!?" I exclaim. "I'm not alone," I make clear, "I have (Y/n)."

"And where is she now?" He counteracts, walking around me. I want to scream and shout and inform him that it's all my fault... but I can't find the words. "I believe in you," he whispers, "and I know children will, too."

Frost and Rain - Jack Frost x reader (f)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن