~ Saving Easter ~

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"As much as it pains me to say old friend," North says as we go down a lift. "This time, Easter is more important than Christmas," he confesses. Two of his Yetis trail along with us as well as a couple elves. Baby Tooth of course is tagging along.

The Rabbit is too stunned to speak. "Did- did everyone hear that!?!" Jack, Tooth and I all grin at him.

"We must hurry to the Warren!" North instructs. "Everyone! To the sleigh!"

"Oh, nah, mate," Bunny protests. "My Warren, my rules." We stand as a group watching the Rabbit suddenly become giddy. "Buckle up," he says as his right foot taps the ground twice.

North swears in a language I can't understand as the ground disappears from beneath our feet. I can't help but let out my own surprised squeal as I fall helplessly. I'll admit, it is quite the struggle trying to get my balance with riding the walls. Jack does the same, much more gracefully, while North solely screams and Tooth flies through with ease.

The big red man laughs when we get to the bottom. Tooth remains flying while Jack and I skid to a stop. "Buckle up. Is very funny," he chuckles. I smile, appreciating the little things in life and take time now to asses my surroundings.

I nearly cry at the complete and utter beauty.

Easter carvings cover the mossy rocks around us. They must be ancient. I spot a multitude of tunnel entrances thorough-out the space and I'm unable to see where they lead. All species of flowers bloom in one place or another and these smiling giant rock eggs move on two little feet.


"Welcome to the Warren," Bunny exclaims proudly. But then his ears rotate rapidly, and I see his nose sniff in a twitch-like movement. Hundreds of little white eggs with legs suddenly skitter out of the massive tunnel ahead of us. They look slightly strange. "Somethings up," Bunny concludes, grabbing one of his boomerangs.

A high pitched scream comes from inside the underpass. Everyone stiffens, standing their ground and making their weapons known. The giant mossy eggs turn their head 180° and a very angry expression switches to the front.

For some reason I seem to be the only one who finds the scream unthreatening. I lower my arms and walk a bit closer to the opening. A battle cry sounds from next to me as the others begin running, their armements raised high.

A small figure comes into view and I quickly glide in between her and my barbaric friends. "Stop stop stop!" I urge as North's blade gets uncomfortably close to my face. They all halt and I step aside to get allow them view, and get my own better look at the kid. She holds three of the little white eggs in her arms.

"Sophie?" Jack questions. Jaime's little sister. They all quickly put on friendly faces and hide their weapons behind their backs. Although the child seems unfazed by it all and quickly chases after one of the elves.

"What is she doing here!?" Bunny cries, swirling around for answers.

North taps his chest, searching for something, "ah, snow globe," he realises. The situation makes me laugh. She must've gotten her hands on it when he was knocked out by Dreamsand. My happiness dies down as I remember what we have lost due to that fiasco.

"Crikey! Somebody do something!?" the Rabbit pleads, looking at each of us in turn. I walk around Sophie and over to Jack as she drags the elf by it's hat.

"Don't look at (Y/n) or I," Jack states. "We're invisible, remember?" I chuckle dejectedly at my friends sassiness.

"Don't worry, Bunny," Tooth says, flying over to the small child. "I bet she's a fairy fan!"

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