Start from the beginning

Some light music was playing in the background as we sat in comfortable silence. Ciel had fallen asleep by now, and you could tell she was drifting off. I let her fall asleep. I smiled down at them as I continued.

I was in deep thought, debating on many things. I wanted to figure out how should I tell Bey, and how we should go about a family and such. This house was so big, with plenty of rooms. She grunted slightly in her sleep, moaning  and whimpering.

"Mama.." She muttered. Awe, she's so cute.

I had just finished her hair, and I put in in that Polo G style. The locs were blonde and caramel coloured. They fit her. Somehow she looked even more like a man but it worked. She just recently got some of her tattoos darkened, and they looked even more vibrant on her skin.

Beyonce has weird dreams when she sleeps and every time she does, she always ends up getting scared or aroused. That's what was happening now because her dick started jumping in her boxers, soon forming a tent. I had placed a Ciel back in his cradle, and I tapped Bey awake.

Her eyes snapped open and she looked like she was going to kill somebody. She turned around, her eyes dilated until they landed on mines. She smiled. I loved her teeth. She had such good hygiene and she smelled good too. I love that for me.

"Hey bae." I waved at her touching her locs. I made them temporary in case she wanted to change the style of them. "You're hair is done love." She quickly pecked me on the cheek.

She muttered a thank you and walked to the mirror. As soon as she looked into it she started smiling and feeling herself. Touching her locs already. Shes such a nigga. She turned to me with a smirk. She was still hard in her boxers.

"I look good?" She did.

I rolled my eyes and played it off. "Girl you look okay!" She smacked her lips and came over to me, putting her arms around my waist and leaning down into my neck, kissing it.

"Bae quit playing." I just chuckled and walked into the kitchen. She followed after me as I started the stove and prepped for the meal I was about to fix. She pressed against me and I almost moaned at the feeling of her long appendage resting on my back.

"I can fuck you in the counter again?" She whispered and I shrugged away from her slightly. "Stoppp!" I whined, laughing. She chuckled. "Nah 'cuz you been havin' a little attitude. Imma fix that shit though. " She bit her lip and sat at the island.

Not gonna lie, I was scared of what she would do to me. I hadn't forgot that little comment she made about fucking me like she really wanted to. I was scared as hell because from what I've heard, she's been going easy. I shivered at the thought of her doing me like that.

"Okay.." I said lowly.

   I continued to fix dinner. Bey asked me for baked potatoes and Chicken Alfredo. I had to make a lactose intolerant friendly type, but I sill made it work. Best Of My Love by The Emotions started playing  in the background and I smiled.


"Baby this is so good. Thank you." I smiled at her. "You're welcome!" She continued to eat the pasta and started to devour the potatoes. She eats like a hog. No decorum what so ever. I made her some corn on the side because she needs some type of vegetable.

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