-°~Chapter 21~°-

956 39 11

Word Count: 1,418

Mmmm this chapter is longer then I thought it'd be-
No One's POV:

Kirishima sat in the large living room in he's agency with all he's hero partners and friends.

Fat Gun was in the kitchen with Tamiki making food, Tetsutetsu was talking with Denki who was oh so obviously checking him out while Sero just kinda sat to the side so done with he's boyfriend, Mina was giving Kirishima the stank eye every now and again, and Kirishima was just kinda in a shitty mood, he wasn't in a chipper mood but he also wasn't pushing anyone away so even tho it was obvious something had happened no one asked.

That is no one asked til Denki finally stopped checking out Tetsutetsu and looked at he's best friend, to which he immediately started questioning the red head.

"Alright bro what's up? You seem down" Denki asked as he plopped down next to Kirishima on the very large couch.

"Huh?" Kirishima questioned, he was in kinda a daze a few minutes ago so he wasn't fully aware of what just happened.

"What happened? You seem down" Denki clarified with a raised brow.

"Yeah, what happened bro?" Sero chimed in as he looked over at them.

Everyone else either minded their business or silently listened in on the conversation (Mina), though they didn't interrupt it, Kirishima himself was trying to find the right words to say to he's friends, after a long minute he finally spoke up.

"Well... Uhm me and my boyfriend kinda got in an argument a few days ago and well... We haven't, talked about it yet?" Kirishima questioned as he scratched he's neck nervously.

"Really? Must have been bad if you haven't talked to each other for a few days..." Sero mumbled to himself, boy if only he knew.

"Yeah it wasn't pretty... I'm planning on just giving him time to cool down before we sort things threw" Kirishima stated with a sigh.

"Letting who calm down?"

At the gruff voice everyone looked over to see who'd spoke, low and behold it was Katsuki mother fucking Bakugou, he wasn't in he's hero suit so it would be right to assume he's here to talk business with them or fat gum, that's didn't stop the welcomings or the friendliness tho.

"Yeah welcome back Bakugou! And to your previous question, Kirishima is giving he's boyfriend got into an argument and is giving him some space" Denki stated as he got up from the couch and put an arm over Katsuki's shoulders, to which he was pushed off moments layer.

"Tch, didn't know shitty hair could pull someone, who is it? A shitty stripper you got fantasized with?" Katsuki asked with a raised brow.

"He is not a stripper, and what's wrong with that anyway?" Mina questioned as she now gave Katsuki the stank eye.

"Well shitty hair? Who's the unlucky guy?" Katsuki questioned as he looked at Kirishima expectingly.

"Uhm, well it's... It's Izuku, Izuku Midoriya" Kirishima stated with slight nervousness, he never actually thought about telling Katsuki anything because it simply wasn't a priority, but now he thinks maybe he should've told him sooner...

"Midoriya?" Katsuki questioned.

"Yeah! You know that really cute writer? I think I gave you an extra copy I had a little while back, it was called A Nobody's Tale? I'm not sure which one I gave you, but still!" Mina stated happily.

"Huh? But I thought y'all kept in contact? Isn't he your childhood friend?" Kirishima questioned as he looked over at Katsuki, they haven't been in contact before?

Katsuki grumbled something under he's breath before he gave an angry huff, obviously not liking the conversation ahead.

"We are childhood friends, we just had a falling out back in middle school and only reconnected months ago" Katsuki stated before seeming to remember something else "And your dating him?! I introduced you morons!" He stated with a look of disbelief, it didn't seem as if he was happy.

"Well yeah! I got he's number when we first met and... I don't know, things just.. clicked!" Kirishima stated, almost embarrassingly.

"Aside from that adorable shit, Kat what was this falling out? What happened?" Mina questioned, she couldn't help but wonder, maybe it would reveal why Izuku wanted revenge on him.

"Oh, I told him to kill himself when I found out he wanted to become a hero, if you ask me I did that quirkless runt a favor, but he was sensitive back then, so, we didn't speak after that" Katsuki stated with a shrug, as if he didn't just drop a nuclear bomb on them.

"YOU WHAT?!" Everyone in the room yelled as they stood up, their eyes were blown wide while Mina's hands covered her mouth, even Tamiki yelled in shock, and he was so calm about it? What. The. Fuck.

"What? It's not that big of a deal" Katsuki stated as he crossed he's arms.

"Not that big a deal?! You told my boyfriend to kill himself!" Kirishima stated in complete angered disbelief.

"Oi! He was going to kill himself anyway if he went into heroics!" Katsuki defended himself, poorly may I add.

"How would you know that?!" Denki chimed in as he stood by Kirishima.

"Because he's quirkless! And the quirkless aren't meant to be in our line of work!"  Katsuki stated like it was obvious.

"Maybe but you don't know that! Izuku would've made a great hero! And take this to heart, way better then you ever could." Kirishima stated with a glare, he could practically hear the surprise come from some of them, while Denki only snickered from beside him.

"Excuse me?" Katsuki asked rudely as he snarled at Kirishima.

"You fucking heard me. I bet the real reason you did that to him was because you were scared he'd be better then you, when the truth is, he already was, and always will be, better then you." Kirishima stated as he narrowed he's eyes at the blond, as if challenging him to disagree.

Though instead of saying anything he took more drastic measures, he threw a punch at Kirishima, Denki was first to try and help Kirishima out but Kirishima just put a hand in front of him while he's other rubbed he's jaw, everyone else moved forward slightly as well but Denki also put a hand up to signal them not to intervene, this was between Kirishima and Katsuki.

"Well that wasn't very manly, not that anything you've done up until this point has been." Kirishima grumbled before he popped he's knuckles "But I don't think what I'm about to do is gonna be very manly either." He stated just before he lunged at Katsuki.

Fat gum up until now as just sat and watched, he really hoped they'd just work things out but at this point he just hopes Kirishima gives him a good ass whopping for spewing such garbage, he could tell everyone was thinking the same thing as him to.

It was clear really quick that Katsuki didn't stand a fighting chance against Kirishima, Kirishima's quirk was pretty much perfectly deflecting any type of explosion he'd throw at him, Kirishima's also stronger, larger, and has enough rage built up from not only the nasty argument a few days ago, but also for everything Katsuki has ever said that just didn't sit right with him, and Katsuki relied to much on he's quirk now a days so while he may look the part, he was no match for Kirishima, so even tho Katsuki truly tried to win, he didn't stand a chance, which left him on the floor, on he's back, as Kirishima sat over him and punched him relentlessly, over, and over, and over again.

Once Denki thought it was enough (by that he means with Katsuki nearly knocked out) he decided it was time to remove Kirishima from him, so he put a hand on Kirishima's shoulder.

"Bro that's enough, I think you got him" Denki stated as he tried to hide he's smile at the beaten Katsuki on the floor.

With a slight growl and a huff of annoyance he obliged before getting up and standing beside Denki, and over Katsuki, seconds later Fat Gum came over and took Katsuki away to get fixed up, all while everyone else just kinda moved on from the subject, not really wanting to talk about it.

Though one thing was for sure, they no longer cared or trusted Katsuki Bakugou.

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