-°~Chapter 9~°-

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Word Count: 1,228

VERONICA! open the door please😌
No One's POV:

Izuku was getting ready for he's date with Kirishima, he was excited about being able to go on a second date with the red head which is why he tried to look at least decent.

He had decided to wear some stretchy black jeans with a sleeveless red riot hoodie, he had on some black nail polish (because he felt like it), he's usual red high top shoes, and a black choker because he can.

He thought he looked good for a small date in a arcade, he honestly hasn't been to an arcade sense he was 6 so this should be fun.

Seconds later he heard the front door open, he must have not heard the knocks, he walked out of he's room to see if it was Kirishima and luckily it was.

"Hey Kiri~Kun! Ready to go?" Izuku asked as he grabbed he's phone and slipped it into he's pocket.

"Yep! Also you look great in my merch" Kirishima stated as he held Izuku by the waist.

Izuku couldn't help but blush at the statement "Thank you" he thanked the red head.

"Of course, ready for the best second date you'll ever experience?" Kirishima asked excitedly.

"That's some confidence you got there Kiri" Izuku stated as he booped Kirishima's noes.

"Well- technically faked but let's gooo!" Kirishima stated as he dragged Izuku out of the pent house.

Izuku made no complaints.


Once they arrived at the arcade Kirishima had got them plenty of coins to use threw out the day.

Izuku excitedly waited for Kirishima so they could go and have fun, he didn't think he'd be so excited about something so simple but he is.

When Kirishima walked back over to Izuku he gave a fond smile at the greenette's excitement.

"Ready for me to win you a bunch of prizes?" Kirishima asked also showing excitement about this.

"Your gunna win me prizes?" Izuku asked with a raised brow.

"Yep! Come on I'll show ya!" Kirishima stated as he took Izuku's hand before bringing him along.

He brought Izuku over to the small basket ball game where they could win some balls (a lot of guys have tried to win this game, sadly they usually fail), Kirishima put in a few coins before he grabbed one of the balls and threw it with a wide hopeful smile.

The ball missed every hoop.

With a head tilt of confusion he tried again, once again it didn't go in, now he was getting embarrassed, how the actual fuck was he losing at a ball game of all things??

Izuku stood at the side slightly giggling at the attempts to get him something, so with a few giggles he patted Kirishima's head.

"Hear, let me try" Izuku stated, they still had one more try before they had to put in more coins, so hopefully Izuku could do this.

With one more giggle he grabbed the ball from the red head before he brought the ball back, then he began thinking about it, then he simply lazily threw it into the hole.

Ladies and gentile men, he found the right hole.

He'd gotten the highest he could so he got a small bouncy ball that was inspired by Froppy, with a proud smile Izuku threw it to Kirishima, who caught it effortlessly with a slight frown.

"Why the long face? I just got you a cool bouncy ball" Izuku stated with a teasing underline.

"You did but.. I wanted to get you a prize" Kirishima frowned as he looked at Izuku.

"Aw don't worry, I'm sure you can get me a bunch of prizes, we've only just arrived you know" Izuku stated with a bright smile.

And that was how the whole date went, Kirishima would take two tries on a machine to get Izuku a prize, Izuku would come in on the last try, win the prize that Kirishima wanted to get him, give it to Kirishima with the brightest and cheekiest smile ever, Kirishima would pout upset about not being able to get Izuku the prize, Izuku would tease him while also cheering him up with head pats and cheek kisses.

They were now just getting out of the arcade and Kirishima would not stop pouting, Izuku found the pouting adorable and even though Izuku was laughing he figured he'd make Kirishima stop pouting.

"Kirishima please stop pouting, you got so many cool new little knick knacks" Izuku teased as they got to he's car.

"But they were supposed to be your cool new knick knacks!" Kirishima whined dramatically after he put the load of things in the car.

"But now there yours" Izuku stated, as he got in the car, Kirishima also got into the car before he retorted.

"Yeah, I love em don't get me wrong, but I didn't even get you one thing!" Kirishima whined as he started the car before he made he's way to Izuku's pent house.

"Your reactions to me beating you in one go was enough of a prize for me, trust me" Izuku stated, when Kirishima let out a long drawn out whine Izuku couldn't help but laugh.

The whole ride there Izuku teased the red head relentlessly about the whole thing, Kirishima was bright red as he pouted the whole ordeal, he was a pro hero for gods sake yet he can't even beat arcade games? What kind of fucked up fucking fuckery was this?! Izuku deserved some prizes as well!

When they finally got to Izuku's pent house Kirishima walked Izuku up to he's house, when they got in the elevator it was quiet, not uncomfortable in the slightest just quiet, when they got to he's floor Izuku saw that Kirishima was still pouting so he decided to end the date with a bang.

"You know I know you didn't like that I got you so many things but I have one more thing to give ya, I think it'll cheer you up" Izuku stated as he looked over at Kirishima.

"Hm? What is it? Is it my dignity?" Kirishima asked still a bit upset that the date didn't go as he planned.

"Well, we'll see" Izuku stated with a shrug.

"What does that mean-?" Kirishima didn't get to finish he's question before Izuku had pulled him down by he's neck connecting there lips.

At first Kirishima was surprised but before long he's eyes had closed and he'd kissed back, he wrapped he's arm around Izuku's middle to bring him closer, he's other hand and went to Izuku's cheek to gently hold he's face, the kiss itself was passionate and before long Izuku was pulling away, which made Kirishima whine as he tried to get another, with a little giggle he placed a finger over Kirishima's lips.

"I'll text you later, emkay? Night~" Izuku whispered before he skilfully got out of Kirishima's hold and walked into he's pent house.

The doors closed leaving Kirishima to he's own thoughts, when everything caught up to him he couldn't help but giggle and jump around like a highschool girl.

Finally getting himself together Kirishima pressed the button for the bottom floor, still blushing with a big giddy smile on he's face.

He may have lost those arcade games but he sure as hell won in the end.

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