-°~Chapter 2~°-

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Word count: 1,119
No one's POV:

It was a lovely Monday morning, the sun was shining brightly while the cool breeze made up for the heat of the sun, on this fine morning there's a greenette sitting on a chair on he's balcony 20 stories high in the air.

This little greenette was named Izuku Midoriya, it's been around 11 years sense the whole swearing he'd get revenge on he's little childhood "friend" though he has never acted on anything, why? Because he's seen what all of class A had to go threw and to be honest he thought that was enough damage, though he's never forgotten he's promise he hasn't prioritized it.

Why? Becouse he knew the time would come when karma would decide to let him have he's revenge.

Even though most people would plan for years about revenge he wasn't going to do that, he wasn't going to prioritize Katsuki, instead he worked on hemself and got better, he even started writing along with publishing books, he's really successful which in it self was a big fuck you to a lot of the people in he's life, but now he's also rich which is why he's in an penthouse 20 stories up.

Once again, he is very successful.

Izuku gave a long happy sigh as he looked up at the sky, he watched the clouds take shape before falling into defrent patterns, he was content with he's life, he really didn't need much else.

After a few minutes he took out he's phone which had a phone case that was black with the word "survivor" in neon green along with in cursive, it was simple but Izuku liked it like that.

He took a quick photo seeing as he looked good before going on Instagram and posting it there, then he turned off he's phone once again as notifications started to flow in.

Izuku loved he's fans he really did but that didn't mean he was gunna read all the comments.

Never again...


With a sigh Izuku got up outta he's chair and went back inside, he needed to work on a new book and he figured he'd write one about revenge or something, he didn't know he'd figure out as it went (much like me-).

Hopefully he wouldn't be rushing to finish it last minute.


Some where else there was a tall red eyed blond (around 5'9), He's name? Pro hero: Dynamite, aka Katsuki Bakugou, the blond is sitting at he's desk looking at a post from someone he hasn't talked to in years.

He's childhood friend (can he even call him a friend?), Izuku Midoriya.

The greenette that he had made life so hard for, looked happy in this photo, he usually did look happy in any picture he'd post, yes he has been keeping tabs on him.

Actually, he has been for a solid month now, it wasn't really intentional for the first week but by that point it was already embedded into he's schedule.

Though he couldn't say he was ashamed, because he really didn't feel there was any reason to be.

For starters he was technically a fan of Izuku's, he has read he's books and in joyed them so yes he was a fan, he had a fake account so he can keep himself updated on everything in he's life, besides like this he could he could get into contact to apologize for what he's done, he doesn't have much hope he'll be forgiven but he has he's hopes.

With a heavy sigh he went to the little chat thing in Instagram, with a heavy breath he started to type he's message.


Izuku was simply writing down ideas he has for new books, he wasn't sure if he should go for something happy or something angsty like one of he's books called "Torn Between Two" in which the main character dies, and the males he was torn between date each other instead (Is that the actual end to the actual book? I don't know, find out ;))

Though just as he was about to finish off the first chapter he's phone went off, he ignored it while he finished off the chapter, then when it was finished he grabbed he's phone to see who texted, it looked like a fan page that had texted him but when he read the text he wasn't fully prepared.

Hey Deku, it's me Kacchan!
Can we talk?

If he was drinking something he probably would've spit it all out in pure surprise. 

Even though he had nothing to drink to spit out he did somehow manege to choke on he's spit so you know.

After a few minutes of him trying to compute he let out a breath before he began to type.

(Texting now :P)

Hey Deku, it's me Kacchan!
Can we talk?

Kacchan? As in Katsuki Bakugou? That Kacchan?

Yeah that's me

Holy shit it's been years sense I've seen you!
How are you Bakugou?

I've been doing good, I see you've become pretty successful

Haha yeah!
You wouldn't believe how much authors get paid!

I probably wouldn't lol.

Also what's with that name?😂
Wouldn't have pegged you to be the type of person to have a fan account-
Begged* LMAO-

I can have a fan account of someone if I want to🙄✋

Well then, you must be a big fan of me huh?

Who says!?

Well you have an account dedicated to me, and your posts are just you talking about how unfair it is that I'm this cute and respectful at the same time.
So yeah =D

Shut up it isn't like that...

Uh-huh surreeee.

Can we meet up? I'd like to catch up

I mean ig-
When and where?

At (some cafe name)?
This Saturday around 5:30?

AM or PM?

Which ever is more convenient, that day is my off day so I'll be there whenever.

PM it is!
I guess I'll see you there darling ;)

(Texting oVeR)

Izuku smirked as he was left on read, usually that's a bad sign but with the fan page of him that is Katsuki's he wasn't to worried.

Though he couldn't wait to meet Katsuki after all these years, guess mother nature decided it was he's time to shine.

On the other hand Katsuki was a blushing mess, both from being called darling and Izuku finding he's posts of him just simping.

But he quickly pushed those feelings aside, he needed to figure out what he was going to wear.

Hopefully he'd empress him..

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