-°~Chapter 12~°-

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Word Count: 1,144

Was gonna make it fluffy but then it took a turn so- there's that for ya?
No One's POV:

Izuku sighed as he continued to listen to Katsuki's angry rant about how stupid people were.

He'd been angrily venting about everything he'd missed sense he began to ignore him over something stupid, honestly most of it was just about how he could do it better, how he needs better people working for him, how he could probably do everything they were doing but better, you know the usual egotistical bullshit you hear from thoes men.

Though Izuku was used to this so it's fine.

"And yet that icy hot bastard still thinks he can do better then me, me of all people?! I'm fucking better then him I don't care what the ranks say I'm fucking better!!!" Katsuki screeched angrily.

Izuku's still not 100% on who icy-hot bastard is but he's gonna take a guess that it's Shoto the number 5 hero in the rankings, Izuku wasn't a big fan but he also didn't hate the guy as far as being a hero went that is.

"Right so.. Even though the ranks say Shoto is number higher then you you know your better?" Izuku slightly questioned him, honestly it sounded kinda cool but the more he thought about it, this was coming from Katsuki, how noble could this bullshit be?

"The ranks are wrong, I deserve the number one spot and everyone knows it" Katsuki huffed angrily.

"....Right" Izuku agreed trying he's best not to tell this man to take he's head outta he's ass.

"Ugh and that damn pink cheeks is trying to reach out to me again, was I not clear enough the first time that I didn't want anything to do with her?" Katsuki questioned, honestly Izuku still doesn't know who pink cheeks is but with the amount of times he's complained about her he'd say she's a persistent person..

"I do wonder why that is.." Izuku questioned mostly to himself, what is it that she needs? Or was it just that she thinks he's changed sense their UA days?

"Probably about something stupid, if I didn't know better I'd say she has a crush on me hah! I knew she did back in high-school ever sense I saved her from that robot but to still have a crush on me? Hah! Fucking stupid" Katsuki stated with a few mock laughs, Izuku didn't know this.

"You saved her from a robot? And- she had a crush on you?" Izuku questioned with a raised brow.

"Yeah, dumb bitch got herself trapped under some deprey and instead of using her quirk to lift it she just stayed there waiting for it to crush her like it was her kink, I came in and saved her and as I fell down before I could use my quirk she fucking slapped me then threw up all over my fucking shoes, before I could cuss her out she passed out so I brought her to healer bitch before leaving with barf all over my God damn shoes. Then out of luck we were in the same class and ever sense then she fallowed me around like a fucking puppy, always getting me stuff, blushing around me, stuttering, it was fucking annoying." Katsuki ranted with an annoyed huff (can you be anything other then annoyed sir?).

"...Uhm- are you sure she wasn't actually trying to apologize for.. All of that?" Izuku asked, he might be a bit oblivious at times but thus sounds like an apology type deal, but also it kinda sounds like a crush? Maybe a bit of both? He wasn't really sure...

"I doubt it, if it was she would've given up around the 3rd time at least" Katsuki stated, Izuku gave a hum at the statement.

"Maybe she's persistent?" Izuku questioned as he scratched the back of he's head.

"Ether fucking way it was annoying" Katsuki finally stated as he plopped down next to Izuku.

"Was it like that all of first year?" Izuku asked.

"More like the whole time we've known each other, she still does it every time we meet up to this fucking day." Katsuki grunted with he's usual scowl.

Izuku couldn't help but snort, she was still giving him trouble to this day? He needs to find out who this is so he can give them a fucking high five cuz this is awesome.

"It's not fucking funny!" Katsuki screeched as he watched Izuku attempte to hide he's laughs and giggles.

"It so is! That's like years of flirting" Izuku stated as he continued to laugh at Katsuki's misfortune.

"Shut it Deku it isn't that fucking funny!" Katsuki yelled as a blush began to forum on he's cheeks.

"It is tho!" Izuku barked out a laugh, oh this was to funny honestly.

"Shut up Deku!" Katsuki yelled slightly raising he's hand to knock Izuku upside the head.

He wasn't expecting Izuku to flinch at the action, it made him freeze up immediately at the sight of izuku's now tensed forum with slight fear swirling in he's eyes, once Izuku seemed to realize what he did he couldn't help but feel frustrated, and rightfully so.

Why was this reaction genuine? Why was he actually afraid Katsuki might hit him? He has so much fucking proof of abuse that he could turn in at any time yet he's fucking scared?! This isn't how it's supposed to be!

"D-De- Izuku... I didn't..." Katsuki struggled to find he's words, he wasn't expecting this so he wasn't sure what to do at this point... How does one react to this?

"It's fine, it's nothing.. Just one of those long term effects I was talking about.." Izuku stated with a sigh, he can roll with this, he can deal with this.

"I-I didn't- Izuku I'm sorry" Katsuki quickly apologized, he didn't mean to trigger Izuku like that, fuck why was he so fucking stupid? He should've known not to raise he's hand up to the person that's been abused, and he was the abuser! This should've been common fucking sense God damn it!

"No no it's fine.. I-I guess I gotta work on that is all" Izuku stated as he crossed he's arms, he only then realized how tense he really was.

Though Katsuki stayed silent, I mean what else could he do? Tell him sorry again? He's sure it wouldn't hurt but he's ego held him back from doing such, so they stayed in a tense silence that made Izuku extremely uncomfortable, he didn't want to be here anymore.

So he decided to leave.

"I've gotta go, got a book to finish.." Izuku quickly stated as he got up from the couch and left to the door, quickly opening it and leaving.

Katsuki didn't dare protest..

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