chapter 1 - becoming a deity

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The moment Finley accepted Seth's proposal it seemed like time stood still for a second and the chokehold death had on her was released. It sure was a wonderful feeling- it was like all the blood Finley lost returned back into her body and building every cell anew even beyond that- it felt like she was being reborn again.

Finley sucked in a deep breath of air and rushed to her knees at the feeling of inhumane strength quivering through her veins. At a loss for words she looked to the statue for help but the statue was gone- instead she was meet with the gaze of a giant strange looking figure towering over her. an animal-headed deity with a curved head, tall square-topped ears and a long arrow-like tail shimmering in black with only the moonlight toning it's massive frame. Finley let out a single high pitched gasp and flinched back at the uncanny sight. The deity's gleaming eyes drilling into hers like knifes through butter. It took a while before the creature cleared it's throat and stepped even closer to Finley

" Don't act surprised like that little human. I'm sure you are aware that god's exist in this world and also creatures even more strange than you can imagine "

Finley bit her lip. Indeed that was true. After all just a few years ago an alien Army has Tried to invade the planet and erased half of humanity. Thinking about it she relaxed and sighs deeply looking up at the deity's eyes again.

" You saved my life... Thank you. I don't really know what exactly you are expecting from me in return now but I'm very grateful " she managed to say and sort her thoughts " I'm an orphan now. I have no where to go... My parents just got shot to hell in front of me..." She gripped her arm talking to herself just now realising the consequences of the events that happened. She was surprisingly calm- upset of course but her parents death didn't affect her as much as it usually would a normal person loosing their parental figures  " I'm probably gonna inherit my father's business now.... And everything they own.... Wait- no... What am I supposed to do with that? I don't even know what my father was exactly doing " she started to panic and pace around the small room " I'm not got at anything! I don't even want to do the stuff parents did " she started to grip her head in frustration. Lost in her thoughts she almost forgot about the tall creature in the room until he abruptly stopped her with a loud snarl.

" Please spare me your whining! I'm gonna make sure everything will be alright but now I'm gonna explain to you first what we just agreed upon so you're ready to serve me at once! " The creature stood in front of Finley to make her focus on him " I am Seth! god of deserts, storms, disorder and violence! You will address me as that from now on and in the future! " His voice boomed trough the small room and made Finley shudder " yes. Of course... And what exactly do you want from me Seth?" She asked carefully still not understanding fully what the God desired. "You- I want you to be my avatar- well you are already as of now and there's no going back. You will fulfill my wishes and commands as well lend me your mind and body anytime I need it to walk around this planet as I please " he starred Finley a frightening expression and she nods slowly " okay yes- I guess I understand what you mean.... " She mumbled and looked to the side " so .... You'll take over my body forever? " She asked carefully and Seth rolled his gleaming eyes " no. Of course not. Only if I'm in need of that- in the mean time you can do whatever you want with your weird little human body I don't even want to know what!  I'm not gonna watch you all day. I've got better thing's to do- but I'm gonna be there whenever the circumstances call for it!" The god grimaced again. " I'll also provide you with a good chunk of my powers in case of an emergency. Here I show you-" Seth proceeded to lay his hand over Finley's chest and a blast of black magic erupted between them and from one to the other second Finley happened to be looking at herself flappergasped and in disbelief "what....the hell" her previous clothes were gone and replaced with a strange black fabric and bandages leading up to her neck but it was even stranger when Finley touched her head. Just like Seth she sprouted tall square-topped ears and a full on face mask replicating the gods facial features in a very unnerving way. Even her eyes had changed color. She looked like a complete different person entirely and starred at herself in the broken mirror in the corner of the small room. " very edgy and weird looking...." She commented and tried not to let out a small nervous chuckle. " A bit corny if you ask me....I look like Catwoman but worse " Seth tilted his head " who is Catwoman? Is she another god? " Finley chuckled at that and turned around to face the god. " Ah nevermind.... why am I... Looking like this ?" Seth huffed at her question " it's a part of my power. You have special abilities now. You can absorb hits and blasts like it's nothing and you'll be able to spread chaos and violence with the provided weapons " he pointed at the holstered sickles and gauntlets strapped to the costume " they change depending on the avatar. So just use them as you please. " He waved his hand dismissively.

Finley nods absentmindedly and admired the weapons when a loud bang at the door ripped her out of her thoughts. Right! The people who shoot up her parents and the other attendance of the event were still out there and looking for their missing victim. She panicked at first and looked at the gigantic god for help and he just laughed " are you that stupid? I just gave you my powers and weapons. Go out there. Kill them. Avenge your parents. This is my first order to you canineFinley blushed a bit at her own stupidity and nods before she turned to face the door. What did she had to be afraid of? She just came back from the dead after accepting a deal with an ancient Egyptian god who lend her a part of his powers. There was also no one who could hold her back anymore. Finley took a deep breath and kicked the door open. It flew out of it's hinges and crushed one of the masked people who were standing In front of it just a second ago. Finley was surprised for a moment at her newfound strength and then stepped out of the room gripping her sharp bladed sickles and turned to the remaining masked individual's. " Boo~" she smiled sweetly and jumped forward logging the sickle into one of the person's head with blood splattering all over the ground. Finley wasn't fazed at all that she just killed someone like she previously thought she would- no it felt right. Especially since these people clearly deserved it. After pulling the blood soaked weapon out of the corpses head she turned to face the other remaining persons who were clearly disturbed and frighted by now. With a small head tilt Finley starred at them before she ran towards them swinging her weapons.

Just twenty minutes later the second floor of the building was also littered with corpse's to match those in the floor below. Finley had been tearing her way through them until the last one dropped dead. By now the police had also arrived and secured the first floor of the building. Finley had turned back to normal and was getting ready to play the damsel In distress who just happened survived this horrible ordeal on her own. She gave Seth a long silent look before he dissapeared for the moment in the shadows now being connected to Finley and ready to appear at any given time for the rest of her live.

After the police had fully secured the building it was clear what happened. A group of extremist had stormed the charity event to take revenge on the system and the wealthy upper class. They killed everyone in the building and then turned on eachother until no one was left alive- expect for one of the attendance children. A young boyishly looking girl who managed to escape the massacre by playing dead and then fleeing to hide. A true miracle and a blessing from God. And since the girl was at the edge of becoming an adult she'd also would inherit her family's wealth and legacy. How fortunate. And this is how the night ended and the case of the London charity massacre closed.

When in reality just that day another story just began....

☥𝕴𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙☥🌙 - Khonshu X Oc мσσηкηιgнтWhere stories live. Discover now