Prologue - a night to remember

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Finley Aspen is a twenty-one year old woman with short blackish brown hair , pale skin and dark eyes from England. Born in South France to her British family and raised in Germany until she moved to London has seen quite a lot- her family never stayed in one place and often moved because of reasons Finley never found out but these circumstances regardless making her feel bad without a real home and her parents who never really wanted a child in the first place.

Despite her parents being quite wealthy and could afford a comfortable living situation Finley never felt whole during her childhood and beyond- not only because her father wanted a boy despite his dislike to Having kids and naming his daughter after his father regardless they also choose to raise her as such- a boy to have better chances of her one day taking over her father's business. What they never knew was that Finley wasn't a normal person....

But one tragic night when Finley attended a charity event with her parents in london hosted by a local billionaire and business partner of Finley's father in his gigantic building- armed people in mask stormed the building the event took place in. Shouting "eat the rich" before these people opened fire on the attendance. There were no survivers expect for Finley- how she survived this ?

In trading her body and soul for her live of course-

After the bullets stopped flying and the noise of the guns went silent the Beautiful white marble floors were drenched in deep red blood that seeped out of the bodies scattered all over the ground. It was quiet- just moments ago the rich and famous were chattering and dancing to a assembly of Violin music casted in the background by a chipper orchestra... But now the instruments were silenced. Heavy steps moved over the floor stepping on the bodies who were turning cold already to admire their work and mockingly kick the corpses in triumph. The leader of the people who just committed this massacre had a bright smile on his lips and clicked his tounge admiring his work- but he stopped smiling when he turned around to see an empty spot between the dead bodies. A spot who wasn't empty just a few minutes ago. Someone was still alive- in a slight panic the leader turned to the others and grimaced at them pointing to the spot "looks like one got away find them and finish the job and then meet me back outside" he huffed and moved swiftly out of the room leaving the rest of the people behind not wanting to risk getting caught by the police who were surely on their way already after the gunshots and screaming had begun. He left the building not knowing one floor above him a young woman was still fighting for her live.

Finley was crawling on the ground of the second floor of the big fancy building. A bullet had hit her in the lower region of her stomach below the ribcage and was bleeding profusely leaving a snail trail of blood behind. Applying her hand on the wound as tightly as possible she tried to stop the bleeding having learned a lot about the human body in her homeschool classes she knew how to survive this kind of physical damage. She let out raspy breaths having dragged herself up a flight of stairs after playing dead in the crowd of people waiting for her Chance to escape- Finley crawled into the furthest room she could managed and closed the door with one arm and slumped against it in pain. Gathering her thoughts which wasn't easy since Finley's head was thumping and spinning from hitting it hard against the floor when the bullet hit her- she looked up to asses her situation. She was in a dark stuffy room with only the moonlight shining In from the outside giving everything a uncanny atmosphere. Groaning in pain she pushed herself forward and gripped the edge of a big heavy wooden desk in the middle of the room and pulled herself up onto her shaking feet. But her legs gave out a few Seconds later and she fell to the floor again pulling a lot of the objects from the desk with her in a pity stumble to try to prevent the fall. But she was to weak- despite applying pressure to the wound immediately after she received it the blood loss was way to much- Finley's circulation system was Always weak but now it failed more miserable than ever before.

Finley heard a shrill ringing in her ears and a heavy nausea overcoming her. This was the end right? She let out a sob and her eyes Started to dampen. Finley wasn't the type to cry easily- she didn't like crying and refused to cry when it wasn't necessary but right now she cried like never before and clutched her bloody hands to a first and slammed it on the floor. It wasn't fair. She didn't wanted to die. She didn't do anything wrong. She just became an adult with her life still in front of her but this was supposed to be it? Frustrated she let out a small cry of anguish and let her head sink in defeat and closed her eyes to accept her fate. When she slowly felt the strength leaving her body she heard a deep booming voice behind her.

" You just gonna give up like that? "

Finley ripped her eyes open and looked around the dimly lit dusty room. There wasn't anyone or anything who could have possibly just spoken to her. She shook her head and wanted to push it on her brain running out of blood or oxygen when the voice spoke to her again.

" I can feel great potential in you. You're something special. Yet you're here just about to accept death like that. Pathetic "

"What..…the hell" Finley curses and her eyes landed on a small golden statue that fell of the table earlier. She crawled a bit closer and starred at it recognizing it as seth. An Ancient Egyptian god. A trickster, he was a sky god, lord of the desert, and master of storms, disorder, and warfare. Of course Finley knew all that because of the hours she spend studying history at home when she reather wanted to go outside and play. " Did you... just talk to me " she questioned the small statue awkwardly and bit her lower lip. She must be in Delirium from the blood lost.

" Foolish little human so smart yet so dump. But I'm not here to play Mindgames with you. I'm here to save your live "

Finley gawked and let out a weak chuckle. "Even if you're real and not just a product of my dying brain how are you planning on Saving me? And why me out of all people...." She managed to speak slowly trying to preserve her last bit of strength.

" I could explain it to you all nicely but I don't think you'll be still alive once I'm done monologuing. Now- listen closely I will give you the gift of live when you dedicate your body and soul to me and only me to use and work in my name for now and forever. Will you accept my proposal? "

The voice boomed trough the room and Finley was caught off guard. Her mind was racing but feeling the grip of death slowly pulling her into the darkness and making her body feel numb she didn't had much time to think and just took a deep breath not knowing her life would change forever from this point forward.

" Yes I'll accept "

☥𝕴𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙☥🌙 - Khonshu X Oc мσσηкηιgнтWhere stories live. Discover now