This is fun!

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Book: I am Usagi!

Chapter: War Day 4: No one is ever safe!

Izuku's POV:

As I went through yet another door, I found myself on a rooftop and it looked pretty damn awesome up here. However I was not alone.

Aizawa: The rooftop again?

You take my words from my mouth...

I wonder what this is all about!

I hope another of this villain vs hero excercise!

I am so excited about them!

They are brilliant after all!

Me: Yes but this time we will have an advantage here.

Aizawa: How come?

Me: I am with you now!

Aizawa: Very reassuring.

It is!

Did you ever see me make a plan!

They are not dumb!

Besides I always get what I want.

Me: Aw come on have faith in me!

I went straight towards the rooftop door and kicked it open.

Aizawa: If they had some kind of alarm made there then you for sure just triggered it.

Me: That was the plan.

I then went towards Aizawa and put a hand on his shoulder.

Me: Kotetsu get us down in front of the building.

The cat immediately did what I asked.


I have a cat with a teleportation quirk named Kotetsu here!

Soo cool!

And soo cute!

I want one too!

Where can I get one of them?

Maybe black market?

Well I'll have to go there once in my life and that would be perfect reason as why I would go there!

Me: Now let's go inside.

Without even waiting for Aizawa, I took out my scythe from behind me and then I went inside the building. What I wanted was to get them all out. So I went inside and screamed at the top of my longs.

I have a damn scythe?!

What am I?

The grim riper?

I love this!

I wonder if I can get one?

I mean I love daggers and all but a scythe!

I need one of them!

They look soo cool!

Unhero like but whatever.... OHHHH!!!!

I am playing the villain here again!

Well no surprise at this point.

I ama shut up and just watch this.

I know this will be a great show!


Aizawa: Problem child! I am regretting teaming up with you!

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