Screw you Kacchan!

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A/N: This part is from the Book: Abracadabra Screw you, Chapter: Out of controll

Izuku's POV:

The moment I saw another door, appear in front of me, I decided to go for it since everythign was better than the darkness I was in. I hate it with a passion since my toughts would go haywire on me.

Once I stepped through the door I could see myself walking to get something to eat from the supermarket. I didn't quite cared if I would go for caned, microwaved or even a cup of noodles. I was just hungry and wanted something quick to bite. However while I was walking there, I was having my headphones on and ignored everything. This was how I ignored a group of people with the UA school uniform standing in front of the shop or that someone was coming my way until the person was standing in front of me.

Okay at least this doesn't start off with a blood bath!

What is even going on?

I don't quite understand how I can dream of something like that...

Well I don't care for now. 

Thankfully it just a dream and I didn't murder anyone in real life for now.


Let's leave it at that.

I am a hero in training after all....

Me: Sorry. I didn't-

I was about to appologize since I was blocking their way and I knew my place in this godforsaken sociality. I was on the bottom line and there was nothing to do about it. How I hated it too. It was not reasonable for me to be there. Like I didn't chose my life and how I was born! This was so stupid and if I could I have torn sociality down and burned it to the ground. How much I have suffered from it was not even comparable with anything.

Ohh wow...

The hate and rage I am feeling right now....

Haven't felt this way in quite a while now...

I wonder what this door has in stock for me....

So now anyone would get how annoyed I was seeing this damn Pomeranian in front of me bowing. It ruined my mood completly. It's just been a couplde of months that we haven't seen each other and here he was bowing to me. Needless to say that I dropped my smile and the cheerful act I normally had around me and looked at this damn dog.

You damn stray have the guts to come in front of me and do this?

You have no right to be doing this!

You think I will forgive you for fucking what you did?

Move or I will be sending you to the hospital today!

Me: What are you doing Kacchan?

Ohh how I want to punchi his face at least once...

Well at least now I can beat his ass up while hero training and no one is suspecting me.

It has it's up being a hero in training with a bully you wanna beat up at least once a week... nah  make it every day.

Bakugo: I am sorry for how I treated you.


Is this some kind of new sick joke from you?

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