(Part 13)~I Thought...

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Robin shouted, struggling to get away from the knights, holding him back.

Red looked all through the forest to find the tree with the twisted hollow. After a very long time of searching, she finally found it. "There you are..." Red said under her voice but in a very proud voice. Then...Coeur came up from behind a tree and grabbed Red when she tried to run away. He dragged her through the forest with a tight grip on her arms that made her arms go numb with pain. As he dragged her, she screamed and screamed. "Listen!" Red shouted in between screams. Coeur growled at her when she tried to talk. But that didn't stop her. "The moon will kill us all!" she shouted. Coeur held a small pistol in his hand. Even though it was small, it made a very loud noise. A gunshot was fired from the pistol and Red screamed with fright.

Robin could hear the fire from the other side of the forest, and her loud scream. "RED!" Robin shouted, as he was worried and scared she was hurt. One of the knights pulled Robin's knife from his pocket and held it to his neck. Wrolf barked and growled as he finally got the strength to jump out of the deep hole, knowing that his friend's were in trouble. Wrolf barked behind the knights, scaring them half to death. The one with the knife to Robin's neck, dropped it and raced back to get away from Wrolf. Robin picked up his knife and shouted "Get back!", before he ran off with Wrolf. "Come on, Wrolf! We have to find Red!". Robin ran faster than Wrolf, and without looking back to see if Wrolf was behind him, another gunshot was fired, but from one of the knights. Robin slowed down and looked back in fear as he heard a deepened howl from Wrolf. Robin looked behind him, Wrolf wasn't there. Robin shouted his name "Wrolf!". There was nothing.

Robin heard Red scream again. Knowing she was still alive gave him relief, but he was still worried about what might happen to her and what happened to Wrolf. Robin picked up speed and ran through the forest towards Red's shrilling scream.

Wrolf limped on three legs, one of his legs had been shot. Wrolf couldn't go any further, he laid down on the ground and slowly died.

Robin ran up a hill with his knife in his hand. The screaming got louder. He knew he was close.

Coeur had his arm around Red's neck. She screamed again, then Coeur covered her mouth with his hand. Red bit it, making a loud cracking sound and making Coeur shout in pain. But also letting go of Red, so she ran. Robin ran as the screaming stopped. He was confused. But he kept running. He just ran a little further North and he literally crashed into Red, knocking her over. She turned around to see Robin with a smile on his face. Red was scared. She scurried back with fright. "Robin!" Coeur shouted at his son before Robin held his knife to his father's neck. "I will not let you take her, father!" Robin said, looking into Coeur's eyes, thinking about how mean his father has been towards him. "Put the knife down boy!" Coeur said deeply. "Father, please...You have to listen to what Red has to say!" Robin yelled. "Traitor!" Coeur bellowed, "You are nothing to me now!". Robin listened to the words his father said and Robin pushed him back. Robin turned and grabbed Red's hand to lift her to her feet. They both ran off further away from Coeur and closer to the tree. "I'll know where to find you again!...Back where it all began", were the last words Red and Robin heard as the ran off, together.

Some of the De Noir knights saw Robin and Red run through the forest. They followed. Robin slowed down to let Red run in front of him. He turned back. "Red! We have to hurry! They're right behind us!" Robin said as he saw the knights. They both came to the tree with the hollow. Robin stopped and looked back once again to know that the guards were nowhere near. But Red and Robin could still hear there voices. "In here!" Red loudly whispered to Robin as she crawled into the dark hollow. Robin followed.

The hollow was very dark inside, but there was just enough light that Robin and Red could see each other. "Red?" Robin asked as he walked beside her. "Yes" she answered. "Why did you back away when you saw me?" he questioned. "Well...when I saw you and your father...I thought..." she responded. "You thought what?" Robin asked with a small chuckle. "I thought you turned against me". "What do you mean turned against you?" Robin asked again. "You're a De Noir and I'm from the Merryweather family...I don't think we were meant to be friends" Red ended with that question, then started on another. "Why did you come back for me?" She asked. "Because...I care about you..." Robin muttered as he looked at the ground and smiled. Red moved closer to Robin and held his hand. Robin heart beated so loud, Red could hear it. But Robin didn't know she had the same feelings for him as he did for her. He thought, she thought it was just a gesture for being so kind to help her.

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