(Part 12)~He Disappeared

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"It's through the clearing and over the next hill, we're not far now" Robin told Red as she ran to try catch up to Wrolf. He ran so fast, Red and Robin couldn't catch up, or even see him. "Wrolf!" Red called his name. Red ran in front of Robin trying to see if she could find where Wrolf went.

With Red's back turned she couldn't see a man jump out of the tree they were walking past and snatch Robin. The man dragged Robin to behind the tree with his hand covering his mouth. Red turned around as she heard footsteps. She stood in the middle of a grass field surrounded by tall trees and thick bushes. "Robin?" she asked, slowly and carefully coming towards the tree. Robin breathed very heavily. He wanted to shout out "Red! Run! Run as far as you can from here!" but the man still had his hand over Robin's mouth and also a knife to his neck, along with having Robin pushed up against the tree. Hiding from Red. "Robin?" Red asked again. Then she heard a large howl and spun back around to see nothing as she stood alone. "Wrolf?...Wrolf?" Red said in a shaking voice. As Red ran off to find Wrolf, another man jumped out from behind a bush, in the De Noir clan uniform. They both grabbed Robin and took him away in the opposite direction Red went.

Horses raced through the forest. Wrolf tried jumping out of a trap that he was caught in. He howled before because he fell. He growled and barked as knights attempted to prod him with sharp sticks.

Robin was pulled to another tree. When he walked past a hole in the ground, he saw Wrolf, trying to get out but failing every time. Then Robin was slammed against another tree as he saw his father ride up on a horse in a black metal and chain mail helmet. Coeur got off his deep black horse. "Oh, this is pretty" Coeur said with sarcasm. "Father, let me explain" Robin said desperately as Coeur slammed his left hand against the tree. "Is it not enough for one member of my family to betray me...now I find that her brother is a traitor too!" Coeur told his son with disappointment. "I will take care of this 'Princess' myself!" He shouted. "Once...and for all!".

"Father! Please stop! Don't hurt her!" Robin shouted trying to persuade his father to stop from riding off the find Robin's dearest Red. But it didn't work. Coeur rode off into the dark forest, searching for the young wandering Moon Princess.

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