(Part 6)~The Escape

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The cell was huge but there was no exit unless it was the cell door. There was a window in a area that looked like the front of a fireplace. There was a metal cage holding a decayed skeleton. The metal was thick and had bars that looked easy to climb. But it wasn't.

Red's skirt was long and hard to lift up and climb at the same time. Then...Red got an idea. She took off her two layered red skirt and her black lace up shoes.

Red stood there in her leather brown corset, her white bustle bloomers, her white camisole that was under her corset and her deep red cloak. Red looked out the cell to make sure the jail guard wasn't watching. Of course...he was asleep.

Red ran back over to the window and hung her skirt and shoes on the old, rusted metal cage. She hid behind a small area where there was a gap in the wall. She picked up a large stone and threw it across the room, hitting the wall with a "BOOM!".

The guard got up and went over to Red's cell to check on her. He opened the door and walked in...into her trap. Red snuck behind the guard and quickly grabbed the prison keys from is pocket. Red turned and ran right out the cell, closing and locking it behind her. She stood by the room's exit, waved the keys at the guard and dropped them so he couldn't reach them.

She ran out the door and searched for a way out of the De Noir's castle.

She ran past a bedroom...that Robin walked out of! The split second she saw him, she ran like the wind. He chased after her. As she ran past rooms, so did he. Robin continuously shouted "The prisoner escaped! The Moon Princess escape!"

"Stop her!" guards shouted as Red ran across a wooden bridge hoping it wouldn't break. Red tried to find a way out. She ran to what seemed like ground level but still there was so much farther to go. She was winded, but she couldn't give up now. It seemed like over 100 people had followed to try and catch her. Robin was infront of everyone, because he was first to know besides the jail guard and because he is really fast. Red ran until she was cornered against a stone wall, high ground and nowhere to go. She looked down. It seemed so far.

"Princess...", Robin said. Red spun her head around causing her long dark brown hair to flick out of her face. "What are you going to do now?" mocked Robin. Red stood on the top of the wall. She looked at him, she step back again, she look at the De Noir's flag. Then with another step she fell. She screamed and hit the ground. Her dark brown eyes saw that Robin was the first to race to the edge.

Robin wanted to shout and ask "Red, Are you alright?" But he said nothing. He turned around and headed for the entrance out of the castle, his gang followed. So did the guards and even Coeur. They had to catch her!

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