(Part 7)~The Sneaky Kiss

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Red ran further into to forest, trying to get away from the De Noir clan. She tripped over a sharp rock that was covered by grass. She hurt her knee and it started to bleed. She lifted herself to a sitting position and tried to wipe away the blood with her hand. She felt a stinging pain with the dirt in the cut. She heard voices, footsteps and the cantering of horses coming in her direction. She raised herself up. Her body was facing East, but her head, faced North. She squatted down to the ground and placed her hand in the hard dirt. She felt vibrations of the ground come closer and closer. She stood back up and started to run West. As she ran West a red ribbon from her hair got caught in a bush.

It was going to be dark soon. Red was scared. If she went home, her Uncle Benjamin might give her a grandfather of a hiding. But if she stayed where she was, she could die. She was cold and lost. She had been running for so long she felt like her lungs were going to explode. She hid behind a large tree. She heard footsteps. She was breathing heavily so she covered her mouth with her hand. "No!...She couldn't of gone this far!". The guards turned back around and headed for South of the forest.

After they left, Red let out a huge breath. And stepped away from the tree. And about a second later there was a knife to her neck...Robin. Red's head pointed up. "Well, well" Robin said sounding impressed with himself. Robin moved the knife away from her neck and pointed it towards her heart. Robin took a step closer when Red took a step away. She thought "Just use something against him!...Red! Think of something!".

Red ended up stepping closer to Robin and he stepped back. He eventually was caught against the tree and nowhere to go. When Red got too close to the knife, Robin put it back in his pocket. He didn't have the heart to kill her. He had slight feelings for her. She was so close to him she ended up having her body touching his. She lifted her head a tiny bit because Robin was taller than her. She leaned in a gave him a long passionate kiss on the lips. When Red moved back she looked into Robin's deep brown eyes. Getting lost in how amazing that kiss was. Robin tried to talk but when he opened his mouth he just stuttered. All he could think to do was...yep...kiss her. While Robin was getting into the kiss. Red took his knife and put it in her cloak pocket. When they pulled apart. Red and Robin smiled at eachother. Robin didn't even mind she was in her under garments and a cloak. Red heard horses. She turned around about to run. And then ran for Moonacre Manor.

"Master Robin?" asked a knight "Have you seen her". "Uh...no I haven't" Robin lied, he wanted to protect the girl.

When Red got onto the garden grounds outside the manor, she panted as she tried to make it to the door. When she opened it, she walked into the manor trying not to make any noise. It took her forever to get out of the forest. Red didn't know the time but she new it was after nightfall. As she closed the large doors, they made a squeak. Red was hoping her uncle couldn't hear it. As Red ran up one flight of stairs and onto the other, she got about midway from there and the second floor. She was trying to run up to her room in the tower, then she heard a sound of someone clearing their throat. Red slowly turn around to see her Uncle stand at the bottom of the stairs. "Red!" he raised his voice "What time do you call this! Where were you!". "I was in the forest" she stuttered. "It's past 9 o'clock! And I've specifically told you...a thousand times to stay out of the forest!" He exclaimed. "You bring nothing to this family!" he finished. Red started to tear up, "I've been here for a week and you can't even remember my last name! You keep calling me a Merryweather! Everyone does! AND YOU"RE NOT MY FATHER!!!" she shouted in tears running up to the tower and locking herself into her room.

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