14 | you make me feel better.

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chapter fourteen.
you make me feel better.

you make me feel better

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I saw Edwin during lunch the following day, and I swore my heart practically skipped a beat when I saw him. I never realized how much I missed him until I saw his slightly askew glasses and floppy hair that was freshly dyed back to his natural hair color—dark brown, almost black.

"You dyed your hair!" Was the first thing I said to him when I approached, holding my school lunch on a tray.

He grinned. "You don't see me for two days and that's how you greet me?" he teased. "And yes, I did. My roots were growing in and I didn't wanna touch them up so I decided to just go back to its natural color. My hair feels so much healthier now."

"I bet it does," I agreed, sitting down directly beside him. I didn't know why, but it felt strange to sit so closely to him, like I was constantly holding back some strange emotion I couldn't quite understand. Yearning, almost. "I think it looks amazing." I added, beginning to eat the slice of pizza on my plate.

"Thank you." Edwin replied, deciding to start eating a sandwich from his packed lunch after seeing me begin to eat.

About five minutes of silence later Edwin spoke again. "So, I know I mentioned this on Monday, but I still really wanna hang out soon."

I swallowed a bite of pizza and looked at him. "Yeah, maybe. I dunno where though, I don't go out to a lot of places to know what's good."

"Hm," Edwin thought for a second. "I mean, it'd be nice to come over to your house or something. I'd like to meet your parents—if that's okay, of course."

I hesitated. My parents really didn't mind if friends came over—Dan and Nadine had come over many times during our freshman year and the previous summer—but I didn't know how I felt about having my crush over at my house. That was an entirely different story.

"Actually, nevermind, I'm sorry for asking." Edwin said due to my lack of response. "I know they suck and you don't want me around them."

"Oh, no, it's okay," I reassured him. "I was just thinking."

"Well if you had to think about it, I think it's best if I didn't come over then." The boy stated. I nodded slowly, knowing he was right.

"Yeah. Sorry."

Edwin wrapped his arm around my shoulders and hugged me onto his side, catching me off guard. "It's fine! It was just a suggestion. We can think of something else."


He held me there for just a few more seconds while I breathed in his scent and felt like my heart was going to explode with happiness. He then let me go, retracting his arm away from me to resume eating his sandwich as if nothing happened.

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