12 | they found out.

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chapter twelve.
they found out.

they found out

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The second I got home, I ran to my room and burst into tears. I didn't know why he ran away like that, and I felt so horrible for making him feel like he couldn't trust me.

I tossed and turned in bed that night, not being able to fall asleep. I kept checking my phone, hoping that Edwin would text me or something but no messages came. I wanted to text him, to let him know that he was thinking completely wrong about me, but I didn't have the heart to do it, too scared it would just make him more upset.

I decided then I would just talk to him in person—when he came to me.

On Monday morning, Nadine cornered me in my homeroom class that she wasn't supposed to be in, but with the determination on her face I knew she was in one of those moods that meant she didn't give a fuck about rules.

"So," she started, sitting down across from me at my table. "About Friday."

"What about Friday?" I narrowed my eyes, confused.

"Well, I was thinking about the conversation I had with Nathan. Y'know, about why they moved here from LA. And...I have a feeling you know why. You gave me the look."

"Okay, and? That doesn't mean I know anything, I could just tell that Nathan and Edwin were uncomfortable and didn't wanna talk about it." I lied. "I don't think it's that big of a deal."

Nadine rolled her eyes. "It is a big deal though! Please tell me..."

"No. It's none of your business."

"Why not? If Edwin told you then why can't I know?" Nadine frowned, shifting closer to me.

"Because he chose to tell me. I didn't ask him if I could tell you. If he wanted you to know then he would've said it yesterday." I reasoned. "Again, it's not as big of a deal as you're making it seem."

"Come on, Kyungyu..."

"Using my Korean name isn't gonna make me change my mind." I snapped. "You're being annoying. Leave me alone."

"Not until you tell me." She folded her arms across the table and laid her head on them

"You're so childish."

She reached her arms out and grabbed onto mine. "Please?"

A moment of silence passed, but she still wouldn't leave. "Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." I gave in, feeling too annoyed with her persistence to ignore her any longer. "They moved here to live with their father's mom. They couldn't afford to live in LA anymore after..." I hesitated.

"After..?" Nadine prompted, shaking my arms.

"After Edwin got sick," I finally answered, guilt seeping into every inch of me the moment I spoke the words aloud. "He's got kidney disease, and there's obviously no cure aside from a transplant. But, you know how hard it can be to get one."

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