13 | it doesn't matter.

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chapter thirteen.
it doesn't matter.

it doesn't matter

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The following morning I immediately texted Nadine telling her to meet me in a usually empty alleyway near the gymnasium building.

After I jumped off the bus and stalked through the school gates, I made my way past hundreds of students milling about or going to their classes towards the place I would be meeting the girl.

When I arrived, Nadine was sitting in a shaded spot on the grass, looking at something on her phone. She looked up when she heard me approaching and smirked. "Hey," she greeted. "What'd you need to talk about that was so urgent it couldn't wait until after school?"

I stood above her, unsmiling as I formulated a sentence in my head. I was mad, so mad, and wanted to call her a million different things but I knew being an asshole wasn't going to help anything.

She stared at my frown and dropped her smile. "What? What's wrong?" she stood up suddenly, grabbing my arm. "Did something happen with your parents?"

I shrugged her arm away. "No," I answered, that hot prickly feeling returning. How did she not know what she did wrong? "You know perfectly well what happened."

A strange look came upon her face. She took a step back, breaking our eye contact as she stared at the grass. "Ky...I..."

"I don't need excuses," I stopped her. "I told you that you weren't supposed to tell anybody. And now you have, and Edwin is suffering because of you."

"I didn't mean to! It just—kind slipped out—"

"It doesn't matter if you meant to or not. You still told someone, and I don't intend to forgive you for it after you practically begged me to tell you in the first place!" I could feel my fingernails digging into the palms of my hands. "Who did you tell, anyway?"

Nadine looked even more guilty at the question—if that was even possible. "It doesn't matter..."

"Who?" I demanded.

Tears began to fall from the girl's eyes and she rubbed them away quickly. "Dan." she said quietly.

I stared at her in shock. Of fucking course it was Dan who spread it around.

I turned sharply and walked away, my heart pumping madly in my chest. I heard Nadine yelling my name but I just walked faster, ignoring her.

"Kyran!" she caught up, grabbing my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"I don't care." I pushed her away from me, causing her to stumble back, and I disappeared into the crowd of people that began to surround us, curious about what all the yelling was about.

I stomped into my first period class, feeling sick with anger, not only at Nadine and Dan, but at myself.

I shouldn't have told her. I shouldn't have told her. I knew something like this would happen. This is all my fault, I've ruined Edwin's life.

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