Rosses award dinner🔞🔞🔞

Start from the beginning

He looked irresistible really. His hair was slightly spiked up with product and she could smell his signature cologne from where she was sitting. Rachel and Phoebe didn't understand how Monica found Chandler attractive, but if this image of him didn't answer their question, she didn't know what would.

"I'm almost done I swear." She focused back on getting her makeup done.

"No rush," he reassured her. "But i do want to be here for the tiny dress reveal."

Monica laughed, putting the cap back on the lipstick she was done with. "What if I kick you out?" She stood from her vanity, coming to stand between Chandlers legs and resting her hands on his forearms. Chandlers hands instantly went to her sides, running his fingers up and down her sides. he looked intently at her belly, finally looking up at her when he felt her gaze on the top of his head.

"Please put it on?" He practically pouted, any dignity he had left being thrown out the window.

"Hmmm," she hummed, tracing his jaw lightly with her thumb. " okay."

she pried his strong hands from her waist and walked quickly over to the closet. she slipped out of the old tshirt and old bra she had slipped into after her shower. she turned her head, laughing when she saw Chandlers eyes staring intently at her bare back. He silent hoped she would turn and face him full on, her breast on full display to him. she shook her head smiling, walking over to her dresser. She sadly, did not turn to him.

she picked out a set with a black bra with matching panties that she had bought for valentines just a month earlier. Chandler had loved taking them off of her so much that he had made sure not to rip it with hopes she would wear it again for him.

she stepped out of Chandlers boxers that she had been wearing while doing her hair and makeup, pulling up the panties. she moved slowly, drawing out her movements just to tease Chandler.

she finally stepped back over to her closet, pulling the dress off of the hanger.

She turned so that her back was facing Chandler, once again teasing him. she slowly and sensually pulled it up her body, pulling each strap to her shoulder.

"Zip me up?" she called back to him, looking over her shoudler. Chandler snapped out of his trance and nodded, quickly getting up and striding towards her.

she shivered when she felt his finger tips on her arms briefly, before they went down to her zipper. she was disappointed when his soft and delicate touch left her skin. he could always manage to leave her hot and itchy for him, even with just the tiniest tap or brush. she hated how easily her body reacted to him. she felt out of control, but in a way she enjoyed it. Because though she was out of control, he was in control. and she trusted him quite literally with her life. Monica trusting a man? remarkable.

He pulled the zipper up slowly mimicking her movements from before. when the zipper reached the top he stepped back, allowing her to spin to face him.

He looked stunned , but just for a moment. his lips quickly turned upward into the biggest smile she had ever seen out of him. she couldn't help but blush at the reaction he gave her, not bothering to hide any of it.

"Monica," he scoffed, resting a hand on his hip and running a hand through his hair "God you look,"

"terrible?" she joked, laughing and finishing his sentence.

"exactly." He agreed.

She suddenly felt an immensely large amount of passion bubble up, and she needed to be kissing him right now. she looked from his lips, to his eyes, down his entire body, then back up to his eyes. a method Rachel had taught him to show a man what was on your mind.

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