I mastered every skill necessary to fit inside any type of scenario; every single type of martial arts, knowledge on using any type of weaponry, assassination, politics, undercover tasks, you name it. The best I can do are things related inside the kitchen, cooking has been one of my best skills which father loves dearly. Every now and then, he would ask me to cook for him which I gratefully accept.

My knowledge exceeds that which is learned in a lifetime. Deduction, observation, even tolerance to pain in any case that I am interrogated about my father, everything must be done to utmost perfection. This is all for the sake of the person who took me in and cared for me.

Well there is one person who I do care for. I hope I'll be able to see her again.

3rd Person POV

"You will note down every detail from its famous S-system to how the school operates and teaches the students. Do not overlook any information attainable within the school. You are permitted to use your abilities freely."

"I see"



"HA HA HA, nahhh just kidding son, live freely without orders in that place, you are ordered to live three years in there to the fullest, maybe even find someone you could care about other than me."

"Why is that father?"

"You see child, you may be emotionless, and only shows a degree of emotion towards me, but you are still human.... Find someone who could open up your heart and make you feel like that someone is irreplaceable. I'm simply your father, you need someone to take in as your wife. I won't take no for an answer, nor will I accept suggestions such as an arranged marriage. Find someone on your own Kiyotaka"

".... I understand father, I will complete this mission without fail.. but"

"Don't worry Kiyotaka, I know you won't fail, and I can assure you.... even if you do, which is fucking impossible in my eyes, I am still here, so go out there kiddo! Make papa proud!!"


Kiyotaka left the office and prepared himself for his mission. You could say he was perplexed with his father's orders but did not wish to reject it. He was curious about his father's words and was particularly interested in that S-system his father mentioned.

Meanwhile in his father's office

"I wonder what will happen if Kiyotaka brings home too many girls..... maybe I should've told him to only pick one... Yeah I'll text him this, it would be a nice idea to have more than one person loving him but no. I already have a pretty troublesome mom and sister"

'I wish he finds an interesting woman, my mother was.... you could say she was a devil of sorts.... not in the way of bringing harm but rather her very troublesome antics.....'


"Yuuto here"

"Dear, did you think of something rude about your mama?"

"N-nothing of t-that sort mom"

"Really? Well then I'll go back to tending to my garden, take care Yuu~"

*Call ends*

"What the fuck is wrong with women's intuition?!"

'I suppose I could relax for a bit regarding Kiyotaka's adjustments in a school thanks to Kiyotaka's training and numerous scenarios with multiple people, he would be able to adjust properly in his school without him feeling left out. Make sure to have fun Kiyotaka'

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