Why the heck am I sick?..

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Edit: 7.01K views?! Bro omg wtf 🤣 you guys are insane thank you

*Alvin POV*

My eyes blink open, my body drenched in sweat, my head..did someone hit me with a hammer? Moving my nose but not being able to smell anything, yet feeling something running down my nose. My throat felt scratchy, coughing softly.  So I am sick, not surprising, in my defence, I hadn't checked the weather when I came back from the skate park and decided to sleep on it and then clean myself. I groan in frustration, 

"What day is it?"

I knew what the day is, It was Monday, but I wanted to see if anyone was in the room..wait why didn't I just move my head? Stupid Alvin. I move my head to the side, to face Simon's bed, but no Simon. I do the same to Theodore, getting the same answer, no Theo. I get why Simon would be up, he's a nerd doing nerd work. But why isn't Theodore here? Scratch that...WHY CAN'T I HEAR...


I sigh, Speak of the devil dad. I sit up, jumping from my bed, suddenly getting hit by a dizzy spell, making me stumble into my bed, latching on to it for support. I groan feebly (I don't know how I know this word but I do..just saying 😅), how am I supposed to get to school, if I can't even walk properly. I stroll towards the door, leaning against it, huffing breaths. Come on Alvin, you have been on a world tour around the world for months, some steps ain't gonna slow me down.

I take a sharp intake of air, walking normally to the middle of the stairs before feeling exhaustion sweep over me. I come face to face with Dave who looks at me angrily, 

"Alvin, why aren't you changed? And why do you look like you have been hit by a truck?"

I was about to answer back when I got hit with another dizzy spell, making me stumble into the wall again, accidentally hitting my elbow. I hiss in pain, grabbing my elbow, and massaging it. Dave softly speaks,

"Alvin, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself."

I look at Dave annoyed,

"No, I am myself I feel like getting hit by a truck made me feel better. I might go do it."

Now I know I am sick because I am being very sarcastic, and I.AM.NEVER.SARCASTIC. Dave's eyes widen,

"Alvin, you will be staying in your home for 3 days. Go back to bed. Do you need any food or liquids?"

"No, not right now but maybe later.'

Dave smiles, approaches me and gently lifts me from the ground placing it near his chest. I melt in the warmth, my eyes slowly closing.

Moments later, my eyes slowly open as I face my ceiling. I slowly look around to notice no one around me, and my stomach growls at me. Great I'm hungry and I have no one here, how am I supposed to call for Dave now?  I look at the desk to notice a bell, weird, that bell wasn't there before. Confusingly I sat up and rang the bell. Dave walked in a few moments later,

"Alvin, sorry it must have scared you, I put a bell so you can ring it whenever you feel hungry or whatever you need. There's a Walkie-talkie next to the bell so I can hear it when it does."

I nod in understanding, looking away embarrassed by the situation.

"Dad, uh I feel hungry. Could I have some soup?"

Dave smiles and nods,

"Of course, you can. What type of soup? Do we have chicken and vegetables? Is that okay?"

Alvinnn and the Chipmunks (Oneshots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें