Alvin changes his style (>,•) Part 2

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Heyyyy!! Okay first of all I do apologize for not updating every week, it is tough for me to do so..but I'm trying to at least update it as quickly and as fast as possible. So yeah...BUT I AM HEREEEE

(SO AMM IIIIII  (⌒∇⌒) )


((πーπ)That hurtttt )

Ugh love you to Alexa (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

(⊙_⊙)...(*^^*) You too )

Ahem anyway, so let's get starteddddd.....enjoyyyyyy!!!!(*'▽'*)(*'▽'*)(*'▽'*)


*Brittany POV*

Alvin and I walk into Target

I look around with Alvin following, probably nervous. I rake my hands against the clothes.

' What would look nice on Alvin? Oh, I know!'

-Currently-  *Third POV

Brittany  grabs a few clothes off the rack and hands them to Alvin, 

"Hold this"

Alvin glances at the clothes, 

"Is that all?"

Brittany rolls her eyes

"Of course not. There's still more clothes to get, come on!"

Alvin groans but begrudgingly follows, Brittany smiles and thinks

'Alvin never agrees to this...I kind of like shopping with's..ugh stop focus Brittany!'

I walk ahead and grab a few more clothes off the rack and chuck them into Alvin's hand, I hear Alvin grumbling, and Brittany giggles at his misfortune. Alvin looks at me before looking away with a light blush. Brittany thinks,

'A blush?!'

-A few moments later- 

I walk forward with Alvin carrying so many clothes, that he stumbles his way to keep up with me, Brittany giggles walks towards Alvin, and takes his cap putting it on Brittany's head

"A handsome boy like you should show your hair more often"

Brittany sashays off leaving Alvin blushing deep red. Brittany grabs all the clothes and places them on the counter

"I would like to pay for all of this." 

The cashier nods and Alvin looks at Brittany,

"I can pay for it."

Brittany shakes her head, 

"When the person is getting a makeover, the person who is giving the makeover has to pay for everything"

Alvin nods and looks to the other side. Brittany finishes paying for the clothes and asks Alvin to carry some of them She was about to pick up some bags when a hand stopped her. Brittany follows the arm to see Alvin smiling, he shakes his head, stepping closer to Brittany looking into her icy blue eyes, whispering, 

"A princess shouldn't hurt herself carrying bags, leave it to the knight"

Brittany looks back to Alvin's light sapphire blue eyes in shock before smiling, 

"Okay my knight"

Brittany walks forward with Alvin following her, taking all of the bags, grinning to himself, thinking, 

'Man she's awesome '

*At Home*

Alvin and Brittany make it back home, Brittany gets out and is about to grab the bags when Alvin gets out and stands beside the truck,

"Nope, I'm doing that"

Brittany huffs,


Alvin grabbed all the bags,

"But nothing, Princesses shouldn't do it"

Brittany pouts and widens her crystal blue eyes, Alvin raises an eyebrow,

"Not falling B, I'm taking it"

Brittany rolls her eyes but steps back still pouting. Alvin smiles, mumbling


Luckily Brittany heard it but ignored it and walked towards the house. Alvin grabbed all the bags and followed Brittany into the house.

*Simon POV*

Man, I love Harry Potter! Ron Weasley honestly needs to sort out his priorities instead of just being a selfish inconsiderate of him!

Suddenly I hear a door close and I decide to look eyes widen..What.The.HELL??

Brittany walked in front huffing and pouting with Alvin walking behind her, grinning like a lovesick idiot, carrying all the bags as if it was all feathers.

Am I dreaming? Did I just die and then come back alive at this moment? Brittany turns to face Alvin,

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry some bags?"

Wait for what?

Alvin shakes his head, coming closer as their nose are slightly touching, Brittany blushes a bit and Alvin smiles,

"Your hands would be perfect on mine then carrying bags, it would destroy them and I wouldn't want to hold them forever."

Say what?! Alvin wanted to hold it? And DID HE JUST COMPLIMENT BRITTANY??!! My jaw drops.

Brittany blushes deep red, turns away, mumbling

"Whatever I care for you as well..don't hurt your hands."

Alvin grins back to a love-sick dummy

"Of course...Princess"

Brittany huffs then trudges up the stairs Alvin looks at me and goes back to smiling

"Could you call Theo upstairs? We need to film."

I numbly nod while Alvin nods thanks before following Brittany up the stairs.

What is gonna happen I wonder?



What's is gonna happen between them? Will these two finally find what was missing between them?

Idk you are just gonna have to wait. By the way I'm so sorry it took me such a long time to upload! But the next Chapter will be insane I promiseee!

(Shes right ya know! (●0●))

Yeah I know! No one asked for your opinion Alexa!

(*hmph!* (●3●) whatever Misty!)

Anyway I just wanted to say..I am insanely grateful for having 1.18k views on this story! I was so scared no one would read it because it's not amazing like those stories. But yet you guys keep coming and looking at it and I am...honestly....thank you so much from the bottom of my heart BBKs. You guys are the reason I continue writing. So no matter what happens, i really hope we can stick together!

-Misty Dragneel Signing the frick out!

(And me! Thank you to people who read this! You're all amazing! Byeeee (^0^))

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