Simon has feelings (Part 2)

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I'm so sorry I have taken a long time for an update but OMG 1.4K VIEWS??!! (๑°ㅁ°๑)‼✧That's - omg insane! So insane! Thank you so much! ≧﹏≦This has been such a milestone for me, who was so scared for putting stories out there got that many views, I have no idea how to even understand, but thank you, every single person who has read this, thank you so much. I'm pretty sure no one read this, but here is some Simonette as thanks! ENJOYYYY!(≧∇≦)/

(Yes enjoy! (^0^))


Alvin yells from the kitchen

"I'm HERE! Jeanette can you go wait in the bedroom, I will join you."

Simon suspiciously looks at Jeanette and Alvin,

"I will find out your plans Alvin..."


Jeanette walks into the chipmunk's room and decides to sit on the chair in the room, looking around, trying to kill time until Alvin comes. A few minutes later, Alvin enters the room, a quick smile to Jeanette, before sitting on his bed, shuffling up so his back is resting on the wall and his head is straight so he can see Jeanette. He continues smiling, 

"Hey, Jean."

Jeanette smiles back,

"Hello Alvin, you called me over, so do you need something?"

Alvin shakes his head,

"I'm just going to get to the point.."

Jeanette stops smiling,

"I'm helping you and my brother, Simon, become a couple or as we like to call it a 'hookup'"

Jeanette blushes deep red, stammering,

"A-a-a C-couple? What do y-y-you m-mean?"

Alvin looks up at the ceiling

"What I mean is, I have seen you and Simon, and the googly eyes, the obvious crushes you have on each other is so seen, a child could tell you two are deeply in love. I usually care only about me and my love life, but once I have seen you and Simon's relationship... it's sweet. All the girls want me and I understand that but I don't wish for that but hey it's my personality now, but I want you two together. I want to know that I have actually helped a couple get together, and I want those two people to be Simonette, or in other words you and Simon. So, will you be willing to let me help you?"

Alvin looks at Jeanette who is softly smiling, Alvin smiles back,

"I want you to be with Simon." (I know this isn't Alvin or his character, but this is me showing Alvin's soft side which he does have and I honestly love that side so I want to show more of it)

Jeanette climbs off the chair, runs up to Alvin's bed, jumps on it, and hugs Alvin, Alvin stiffens but lightly pats her back, Jeanette climbs off and sits on the end of his bed,

"I want you to mine as well, like a brother. And I do have a crush on Simon, so It would be great if you could help me"

Alvin smiles,

"Thank you, so I have an idea to help you two. And don't worry its not a bad idea, at least I hope it's not."

Jeanette puts a hand in his shoulder,

"I have always trusted you Alvin. So what's the plan? "

Alvin shares the plan, adring hand signals, details of what's exactly going to happen, ressurrance that nothing bad will happen and it there is, I will fix it personally. At the end, Jeanette eyes gleam of proudness,

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