Chapter 1- Alvinatty (Part One)

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*Quick Author Note*

Hey (=.=) Please enjoy the first writing skills aren't the best so yeah...(Yeah it is the worst) (>0<) Shut up Misty (>3<)

(Alvin POV)

It's a typical Saturday..well at the Seville household it never is. 

"What is up? Welcome to yet another youtube video"

I stood in front of a vlog camera, smiling at it 

"As you know the last video 'Pranking my whole family and the Chipettes was a massive hit. 2.5 million views...that's insane!"

I move to sit on my bed, 

"So I will be doing another video but today it will be a little or a lot different. So today I will be doing something..nice? Wow, that was hard to say. Anyway, so I figured considering...I might have made her mad, we are going to be surprising Brittany"

I smirk at the camera while I see Simon rolling his eyes in the background, shouting

"Wow, I am sure she gonna be very surprised to see you" 

I roll my eyes, sarcastically laughing,

"Haha, you're funny. Anyway, I will be taking Brittany out."

Simon raised an eyebrow 

"Ah like a date."

I blush

"N-no it's not a...Fine, it's a date. Yeah, so I may have grown a crush on Brittany.."

Wait...what??? I switch off the camera, narrowing my eyes at Simon, who is smiling innocently back at me,

"Did you make me admit I have a crush on Brittany...ON FREAKIN CAMERA??"

Simon shrugs


"THEODORE!" I yell to the stairs

A few minutes later, Theodore comes walking up, 

"Yeah, Alvin?"

"Can you be my cameraman?" 


Theodore walks toward my bed and I hand him the vlog camera. A thought comes into my mind, smirking slightly, I say to Theodore

"Theo, turn on the camera, I have an idea, I'm pretty sure Brit won't like this" 

Theodore and Simon raise an eyebrow at me but I smile innocently, 

"Trust me...this will be a massive hit."

To be continued...

*Authors Note*

OHHHH what's Alvin up to? What is his big idea? Well stay tuned and you shall find out tomorrow..yeah...maybe...I will try.

So I hope you liked the first chapter and, well I see a lot of this, you can rate chapters..or is it stories?? (?_?) (You're an idiot) (-_-) It's my first time doing a story, okay?! Chill!! Anyway do rate and share! And comment how it was, what do you want me to write next after this??

Yeah, that's all for now

Misty Dragneel is Signing out 

(So am I! (^_^

Yeah.. no one cares 

Alvinnn and the Chipmunks (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now