Chapter 50 New Resolve

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April 14th, 2008

Mikey watched as Kai's figure disappeared down the steps of the shrine. While the others directed their attention towards Takemitchy with a million questions to ask him, Mikey's mind processed what happened a few moments ago.

To say that he was surprised was an understatement. It had been two years since he had tried to find and talk to Kai. Two years and his heart was throbbing with the lack of her presence. He just wanted to see her again. He was about to give up. And then it happened.

She came.

He finally saw her again. She was just as beautiful as she had ever been. He could feel the overwhelming power of her aura the second he saw her walking up those steps into his view.

When she got close enough for him to touch, he couldn't help himself. He wrapped her up in his arms. He craved her warmth. He craved her body pressed up against his. He craved the feeling that came with being near her.

He expected her to push him away. Or even move out of his way. But she made no movement at all. She allowed him to hold her.

He had felt his heart being stabbed as she uttered the words 'I hate you'. His response left his lips without much thought. But they were genuine. He really did feel like she was his heart.

Her own response to what he said was what really stunned him. He felt like he was speaking to the old Kai who would scold him whenever he said something bad. The Kai that showed some tough love whenever he needed it.

She told me to live life to the fullest.

Her words were what he needed. It was like a slap to wake his weak ass up. Her words and actions tonight showed him that she still cared about him. She wanted him to live. And that was what he planned to do. He was no longer going to give up.

A new resolve flickered into existence within him. If her goal was to rule the world, he was going to show her that he would support her. It was no longer about defeating her. It was about showing her that he wanted to rule the world by her side.

He had to show her that he learned from his mistakes. That would be difficult but he was willing to do whatever it takes to prove himself to her. He would not give up on a future with her.

"I think we should tell them, Partner," Chifuyu's voice pulled Mikey out of his thoughts.

"Tell us what?" he spoke, causing everyone to look in the direction of their commander.

"Tell us what the fuck was that was all about," Baji snapped out.

"Calm down, Kei," Ayato said, grabbing his arm. That seemed to relax him a little.


Mikey's voice made Takemitchy tense up. The younger blonde looked down at his feet and refused to meet his eyes. This only made Mikey narrow his eyes before turning to the rest of the gang that were gathered around.

"Everyone, party's over! Get out of here!"

"You heard the Commander! Everyone, get lost!" Draken commanded to make the members leave faster.

It was time for some answers.


May 22nd, 2008



Blood dribbled down the sharp metal. Lifeless bodies littered the floor as it stenched the air with death. Expressionless eyes stared at the scene without guilt or remorse. There was no sympathy for the lives that were taken.

A New Life (MikeyXOC Tokyo Revengers Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant