Chapter 28 To A New year

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** I wanted to leave this chapter for the New Year but I didn't want to wait that long. I really want you guys to get to the part that I was waiting for all this time which is in the next chapter. Plus, I doubt you all want to wait another four days for an update, right? I really hope you enjoy the next chapter once it is done but for now, it's the holiday chapter. ^-^ 


December 31st, 2005

"Are you sure you're feeling well enough to be out here?"

I turned to my brother's worried expression as we made our way to the shrine to celebrate with our friends. I pressed my lips together, getting annoyed at being coddled for so long. I started feeling better days ago but everyone was still worried as if I were about to die or something.

"I'm fine, Take. Relax," I said, rolling my eyes.

It's been a while since I got sick. I figured being stabbed had something to do with it. While I had been lucky enough that the blade did not hit any vital organs, it was still painful and took a lot of my energy to heal. I believed that it was the reason why my body shut down on me for a few days after the incident.

Mikey hadn't left my side until my fever had gone down and I had to literally push him out of my room. It was a struggle to take care of my wound and change the bandages while he was around. I sneaked out to the washroom a few times to do that and take some antibiotics that Subaru gave me. I refused to take painkillers though. I guess I wanted to punish myself for my stupidity that night.

I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind, pulling me into a chest. I felt the weight of a chin on my shoulder.

"Hi there, Handsome," I said, knowing that it was Mikey by his scent.

He chuckled, "Hey, Beautiful."

I turned in his arms to wrap mine around his neck. I pecked his lips not caring about all the crowd around us.

"Ugh. Get a room, you two," I heard Draken tease us.

I turned my gaze to him. I smiled as I saw Emma with her arm wrapped around his. Her head leaned against his arm. She looked so happy and beautiful in her kimono.

It seriously was about time that they got together.

Somehow, they had finally confessed to each other a few days ago. Emma had found her courage to ask him out. She told me all about it over the phone a couple of nights ago. She told me that I had given her the courage to do it because she wanted to be as happy as Mikey and me.

I stuck out my tongue, "Bite me."

Mikey pulled me tighter. I tried not to wince when he put pressure on my still healing wound. The pain wasn't as bad as before. I could move just fine but when someone put pressure on it that was when it hurt.

"No one touches you."

I looked back at Mikey, "No one? Then what are you doing touching me?"

I heard Emma laugh, "She got you there, Mikey."

"I wasn't talking about me," he argued with a childish pout.


I leaned into his body. Snuggling closer, letting his warmth seep into me. It was comforting on a cold winter night.

"Hina, you made it," my brother said.

"Mhm. They really can't keep their hands off each other, can they?" Hinata giggled.

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