Chapter 44 Unforeseen Future

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March 28th, 2018

Takemichi was hesitant to leave his injured sister but with her encouragement, he decided it was time to return back to the future. He figured that since Kairi was alive and Mikey was doing everything in his power to find the people who hurt Kairi and to protect that the future would be fine. At least, he hoped that this time he had finally won and brought about a happy future.

"Takemitchy? Oi, earth to Takemitchy."

Takemichi blinked, looking around his surroundings. Beautiful white decorations all around him. He was sitting at a fancy table with a bouquet of flowers in the middle. He turned to the person on his right that looked at him with a look of confusion.

"You alright, man?"

"Chifuyu?" Takemitchy questioned, looking around again.

He spotted Draken talking to Baji and Ayato a few feet away. Emma and Hinata were chatting a little bit away from that. Takemichi's heart fluttered as his eyes landed on his girlfriend. She was so beautiful. And alive. He felt the sting in his eyes.

"So, you are finally back, huh?"

Takemichi nodded, "Yeah. I- Chifuyu. Is this real? Is Hinata... Is she really alive?"

"Yeah, man. She is."

"It's all thanks to you, Takemichi."

Takemichi turned to his left to see Naoto sitting down on the empty chair. More tears threatened to fall from Takemichi's eyes. He did it. He finally saved the love of his life. Hinata was alive. The relief he felt was unimaginable and it flowed from his eyes. He hastily wiped his tears away but only more kept coming.

"Who's wedding is this?" he managed to choke out.

"Hayashida Haruki."


"Pah's," Chifuyu answered again, pointing at the groom that sat with his new bride.

"Oh. Good for him," Takemichi smiled.

He continued to look around to try to find more family faces. He saw Kazutora, Hakkai, Mitsuya, and so many others. But he noticed there were two people missing. He looked around some more, straining his neck.

"Hey, Chifuyu," he said, "Where's my sister and Mikey-kun? I don't see them around anywhere."

He was meant with silence.

He turned to his friend, "Chifuyu?"

The man only looked at his drink with an unreadable expression. Takemichi turned to Naoto for answers.


"In this future, Takemichi..." Naoto closed his eyes, taking a deep breath out, "Your sister is the head of the worst criminal organization in the world. No one can touch her. No one."

"My- My sister? No way. She wouldn't. She's not like that! Kairi would never turn to a life of crime like that!" Takemichi couldn't bear it. He didn't want to hear it.

"Takemitchy," Takemichi turned to Chifuyu who looked at him with a serious expression, "What he said is true. Kairi isn't the same person she was 12 years ago. She's changed. Losing her baby like that... It changed her. She wasn't ever the same again. She made Toman fall."

"But... But everyone seems so happy..."

"I guess. That is because Kairi let us go as long as we all agreed to stay out of her way. It's what kept us all alive."

"Mikey-kun... What about Mikey-kun?"

Takemichi watched as Chifuyu's eyes hollowed out as he gripped on the drink in his hand, "He died. 10 years ago."

The words were processing slowly in Takemichi's mind. How was that possible? How did Mikey die? How could this future be like this. While everyone else seemed to be happy... His sister was out there suffering. Mikey had died. This wasn't the happy future he wanted to come back to. How was this fair?

"I have to go back," Takemichi said, "I- I have to... I have to make things right."

"You did what you wanted to do," Naoto said, "You saved my sister."

"But now mine is... Mine is..." he couldn't get the words out. "I have to fix this." He turned to Naoto with his hand stretched, "Please. Naoto."

Naoto stared at Takemichi's hand and then to his sister who happily chatted with Emma, "You are supposed to marry my sister in a month. You really want to go back to the past and change that? You finally did it, Takemichi. She's alive. She's happy. Everyone has a life. If you go back, there's a chance you mess everything up."

"What are you saying? Is my sister's happiness not important?"

Naoto turned a heated glare to Takemichi, "No. It isn't. Unlike you, all my memories of this future have come back. I know what she is like now. She's a cold-blooded killer. Some people do not deserve to be saved."

Takemichi couldn't believe what he was hearing. Kairi didn't deserve to be saved. What kind of shit was that?

"Everyone deserves to be saved."

"Takemitchy," Takemichi turned to Chifuyu, "Naoto is right. It's already too late."

"Wha... What do you mean by that?"

Chifuyu stood up, turning his back to Takemichi, "It's best you just move forward and forget about her. Everyone else is alive and happy. You saved Hinata. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"I can still-"

"Stop it!" Takemichi's eyes widened as Chifuyu turned with a look of anger in his eyes, "By this time it was already too late. Even if you went back to the past. If Mikey couldn't stop her. What makes you think you could?"

"Mikey-kun? What do you mean? He tried to stop her?"

Chifuyu looked to the ground, "He failed."

Takemichi watched as Chifuyu walked away without another word. He left Takemichi with more questions than answers. What in the hell happened in the past that changed Kairi so drastically that even Mikey couldn't stop her?

'No matter how the future is. Don't come back, Take. Never come back.'

He remembered those words she told him. Had she known things would end up this way? But he had to go back. He had to try to save her.

He turned to Naoto, stretching his hand again, "Please. From brother to brother. I have to try to save her."

Naoto looked into Takemichi's determined eyes and sighed, "I guess I owe you this for saving my sister."

He grabbed Takemichi's outstretched hand but nothing happened.

"Eh?" Takemichi's eyes blinked, "Why didn't it work?"

"I don't know," Naoto pulled his hand away, tilting his head in thought, "Maybe what connected us was the desire to save my sister and that already happened." He looked into his eyes, "I'm sorry, Takemichi. I have no desire to save your sister." He stood up, "Just move on is my advice." With those final words, Naoto left the table.

Takemichi was left alone with his thoughts. How could have things gone this way? Mikey was dead. His sister was a crime boss. Just what in the world happened after he left? He wanted to get the answers but after listening to Naoto and Chifuyu, he knew he was on his own. He needed to find his sister. He needed to talk to her. Maybe she could clear things up for him. He still doubted that she was different. He knew that there had to be some part of her left. Right?

His eyes caught sight of Hinata's as she looked at him and smiled. He smiled back. She was so beautiful in that dress. And he was supposed to marry her in a month. Right? That's what Naoto said. Could he really sacrifice that to try to save his sister? Should he just move on?

No. He couldn't. 


A/N: Okay. Whoa. Things took a turn here. What do you think happened? How do you think Mikey died? How did Kairi become the world's most powerful crime boss? Do you think Takemichi will be able to save them both? Do you think they will ever get a happy ending? 

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