Chapter 42 Awake

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February 27th, 2006

The light stung my eyes causing me to blink several times. My mind was trying to shift through the confusion as my eyes wandered around the room. As my head shifted, I noticed the mask covering half my face to allow me to breathe. I felt more confusion wash over me. The beeping in the background reminded me of a hospital.


My body stiffened at the realization that I had woken up in a hospital on a vent. I began to form all kinds of questions in my mind. The most important one was 'how the fuck did I end up in a hospital?' What on earth had happened to me? I tried to remember what happened but every time I came out blank.

I moved to tug the mask off my face. My hand felt so heavy. Or maybe I just felt so weak. I couldn't remember a time that I had felt so weak.

"Kairi," I turned my head to see my brother's worried expression as he shifted towards me. His eyes began to tear up. "Oh, thank god. You are finally awake."

"I'll go get the doctor," I heard Hinata's voice as the sound of her footsteps faded away.

"Wh-" I coughed, my mouth felt extremely dry.

"Hold on," he said, while he helped me to sit up on the bed. I felt some pain shooting up from my abdomen but I ignored it. He brought a glass of water up for me to drink once I was comfortable in my sitting position. "Here."

I took a few sips until my throat felt better.

"What happened? Where's Mikey?"

I noticed that the one person I really wanted to see was nowhere to be found.


"Take," my voice was commanding. I needed to know that Mikey was okay.

"Do you... Do you not remember what happened to you?" I shook my head. His brows knitted together, "What's the last thing you remember?"

I thought back, "Shopping with the girls."

"What day was that?"

"January 15th. Why? What's going on?"

"Kairi, I-"

Before my brother could answer, Hinata and a person in a white coat walked into the room. He was an elderly man with a warm smile as he approached me.

"Ah, Hanagaki-san. I am pleased to see you awake. With your permission, I would like to examine you."

I nodded my head.

"Good," he smiled, advancing closer to me. The doctor went ahead examining different things. "Please, follow my finger. Good." He straightened up, "Everything seems to be good considering the amount of blood you lost and the surgeries."


Before the doctor could answer me, my brother stepped in, "Doctor, is it possible for my sister to not remember anything that happened?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"She says that the last day she can remember was January 15th."

I watched as the doctor's warm smile turned into a frown before he turned back to me with the warm smile again, "I am sure it is nothing to worry about. I will come check up on you in a few hours. For now, the best thing for you is to rest until you heal some more." He shifted to my brother, "Can you follow me, son?"

I watched as the doctor left through the door with my brother following close behind. I narrowed my eyes and pressed my lips together. I was even more confused as to what happened.

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