Start from the beginning

The trio exchanged knowing glances, then Emilio said, "Are you talking about the—"

"Good work." Kaiser cut off whatever he intended to ask. "I guess you know how to do more than cause trouble." 

Anger and embarrassment heated her face at his teasing. The temptation to toss her toast at his head gripped her momentarily. A small grin twisted the corners of his mouth and she knew he was reading her emotions, manipulating them for his own enjoyment. This godforsaken bond!

"I'll start preparing him for interrogation after breakfast," Emilio said.

Lenore knew the him in question must be her Uncle. She sat up straighter in her chair and reigned in her wandering thoughts and emotions. "I'd like to join you when you talk with him." 

A silence fell over the table. If they were trying to make their intentions less obvious they needed to work harder. Their gazes shifted to their leader, waiting for whatever ruling he would make. Lenore turned her face to Kaiser, a shadow falling over his face—the playfulness of before completely erased. There was a sturdy wall between them now.

"I think your time could be better spent." 

"What's more important than this?"

"...Hmm. Perhaps training with your newfound power, Miss Apostle?"

"I can train after."

"You need all the practice you can get. If you want to continue to be useful."

She glared daggers at him. This was his way of keeping her out of the loop; a perfect excuse. Lenore wasn't an idiot. He pushed back from the table, effectively ending any debate on the matter he sensed coming his way.

"Patrick, you'll have to take over for Emilio in her training, since I'll be in need of his particular skills."

It was as though he kicked Lenore in the stomach. A heavy scowl settled on her face as she glanced in Patrick's direction. He was the most unapproachable person she'd had the displeasure of meeting. Half the things that came out of his mouth were insults and the other complaints. From the sneer he was sending her way, Lenore was certain that their feelings about this matter were mutual. 

"Tough luck," Camila muttered, giving Lenore an apologetic smile.

"No kidding," Lenore and Patrick muttered in unison. 

He tsked, getting up from the table. "Find me in the gardens when you're done." 

# # #

The overpowering smell of roses made Lenore's stomach queasy. It would be a beautiful place if it didn't bring back memories from her childhood. She spent many spring and summer afternoons taking tea with her Aunt and cousin and other ladies of the family. The hushed tones and side glances whenever she was there now made sense. Now, she enjoyed the morbid amusement that her Aunt had become food for the flowers she loved so much (much more than Lenore, at least).

Lenore wandered deeper into the maze of hedges, wondering if this strange hide and seek was also part of her training. Thankfully, she only wandered a few minutes before she found Patrick at the center of the small maze. He had set out a row of glass bottles of varying colors and sizes on the back of a bench.

His back was to her and his gun in hand. He lifted it, seeming to test the weight of it in his hand as he turned it this way and that. The black metal gleamed in the sun, sleek and smooth. She wondered if it was something that Emilio had made in his workshop.

"You've no talent for stealth." Without any warning Patrick straightened his arm and pulled the trigger. The sudden bang had Lenore covering her ears. 

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