Not So Pathetic

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Neville started acting weird around her after that class. Mcgonagall had given Mirabel a detention when she learned about what happened. She was not sure who to be madder at. Mirabel for getting in the way of a crucio curse or Moody for even using it in a classroom. When Mirabel had asked why Moody could even use them if he would get sent to Azkaban Mcgonagall answered that Moody had been given special permission to use them legally since he was such a high ranking Auror.

Neville was really weird around her though. Not weird like he avoided her, weird like all he seemed to do was follow her, everywhere, and stare at her. He also seemed really touchy too. It was never in a bad way, more like he liked holding her hand sometimes, hug her when he saw her, and Mirabel had been told by Harry and Ron that when she didn't show up for lunch because of detention it looked like he was going to break down crying.

Students joked about Neville being her boyfriend, Draco had been really mad at this because of it and his cronies had taken to picking on Neville in the rare times he was caught without Mirabel nearby.

"Honestly it's really sweet and all, but I need a break," Mirabel explains to her friends looking over her shoulder. "Than just tell him to back off he'll understand," Harry said. "I tried, he started looking ready to cry," Mirabel whispers.

Neville was a great friend of hers, but she really wanted a break from him sometimes.

"Maybe Mirabel you should talk to him? One on one alone? Maybe something is bothering him about it," Ron said. "It bothered the entire class. I don't think anyone is going to forget that scream you did. Some of the girls started crying after," Hermione shudders. Mirabel does too, she hates thinking about the pain.

Luckily it had been so short lived the her brain had managed to push it too the back of her mind, but she doesn't think she'll ever truly forget about it. She hadn't told her family about it, but apparently her Tio Bruno had a vision of it and sent her a letter stating not to leave her seat in class and do not disrupt the teacher. Little late for that Tio.

"Mirabel!" Mirabel almost cringes hearing Neville's footsteps behind her. "It's now or never Mirabel good luck," Ron said and the other three walked ahead leaving Mirabel with Neville.

He came up beside her grinning and without Mirabel's consent intertwined their hands. "Can I carry your books for you?" He asks. "I'm okay Neville I can carry them myself," Mirabel said with a reassuring smile.

"Anyway what did you think of Herbology? I loved the class did you?" He asks her. She nodded her head honestly wanting to get away from him as soon as possible. She felt guilty about it, but Neville was really starting to get on her nerves.

"Oh look it's Long bottom the lunatic!" A gaggle of Slytherins pasted the duo. "Ha! As if he thinks he can be Madrigals boyfriend she's too good for a weakling like him," another laughs.

Mirabel sent them a look and they scurried off. "Your awesome did you know that?" Neville asks her and she rolls her eyes with a fond smile. He's been showering her in compliments for the past two weeks as well. She does actually like the praising, it was really nice being praised.

"Anyway Neville I need to go to detention so," Mirabel began scooting away. "I'll take you there," Neville insists not realizing how uncomfortable he was making Mirabel right now. Mirabel pushes down her irritation and smiles as she speed walks towards Mcgonagall's office.

When they got there Neville had practically gone through every plant he had ever been taught and Mirabel was at her wits end. "Anyway thanks Neville, but I gotta go see you later!" Mirabel said chipper as she opens the door and enters.

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