A Mad Entrance

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"So? How did your parents take the whole Dark Mark thing?" Ron asks. "Well they were just happy we were okay, Tia and Tio think that Antonio had been asleep the entire time, and Luisa spent the rest of the summer playing bodyguard to me," Mirabel answers.

They were on the train heading towards Hogwarts a little over a month after the World Cup disaster.

When Mirabel had finally managed to get back home Antonio had no memory of anything between falling asleep on the way from the game and waking up the next morning. It had hurt Mirabel to erase his memory like that, but she had no idea how traumatized by what he saw would do to him. She doesn't want him fearing magic. Tia Pepa and Tio Felix were worried about Antonio after Luisa and Mirabel explained what happened. Abuela was proud of Mirabel for erasing Antonio's memory of it agreeing with her, but Luisa was heavily upset by it all and in turn got her parents, Tia, and Tio all upset and worried too. Mcgonagall had arrived quickly and all the grownups had a screaming match at her while Delores, Antonio, Camilo, and Mirabel stayed in Delores sound proof room. If it wasn't for Abuela's insistence Mirabel might not have even returned to school this year.

"I still cannot believe Mr Crouch did that to poor Winky! If you ask me this is the best course of action for her," Hermione said. "I agree making her stay behind and firing her like that was bad, but now who's going to help her? If being a free elf is such a disgrace where is she going to go now?" Mirabel asks. "Are you saying it's a bad thing that she was freed?" Hermione asks. "Maybe yeah," Mirabel states and Hermione glares at her so she glares back.

"Oh look the trolley! Who wants some treats?" Harry asks trying to play mediator this time. "Don't interrupt them this is fun," Ron says with a grin watching the girls glare at each other.

Harry decided to get up and take food from the trolley.

What he came face to face with though was Draco along with his cronies Crab and Goyle. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry asks and Draco rolls his eyes. "Not you obviously," he than turns to Mirabel glaring at Hermione. The conformation makes him grin. "What are you girls arguing about?" He asks amused. "Non of your business you slimy snake," Hermione said not taking her eyes off of the girl across from her. "Hey! Do not call him a Slimy Snake he has not even done anything except ask a innocent question," Mirabel states. "Oh so your going to defend someone who treated their house elf so badly?" Hermione asks. "That was his father I am sure of it. Just because one egg is bad does not mean you throw out the whole nest. Not all Elf owners are bad and you can't just assume it because of a couple of people," Mirabel states. "Oh I'm sure you must know all about Elves than," Hermione's states. "Why are you acting like this?" Mirabel asks.

"Because you are defending a cruel man!" "I am not defending anyone here I am just stating the facts!"

Curiosity on full Draco leans over to the boys watching. "So time out for a second Potter, what are they arguing about?" He asks his enemy. "Honestly no idea," Harry answers. Hermione had been in a bad mood when they got on the train and as soon as Mirabel made the comment about Winky it seemed like something for Hermione snapped.

Suddenly Mirabel stood up and throws her hands up. "I am not arguing with you if your not going to listen. I'm going to a different cart," Mirabel states and pushes past the boys storming off. Grinning Draco looks at Hermione. "Thanks Mud Blood just made that easier," Draco said and quickly ran down the cart to catch up with Mirabel.

Turning back to Hermione Harry asks. "What was that about? Your both always so bestie and giggling," He said sounding confused on how to describe a female friendship. "Harry, as someone who has a sister, never get in the way of a female friendship fracture. It's like two cats fighting, but when you try to break them up they turn their claws onto you," Ron explains to his friend.

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