Let's Make a Deal

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That was all he sent back, making me smile as the car door opened for me. I stepped out and was greeted by a member of the staff that walked me into our factory where people were milling about before we were to be escorted outside. The weather was actually nice for once, making it easy for the team to host a dinner outside for the first time since I had been here. For now, I was left to my own devices and that meant a glass of champagne as I waited for my boyfriend and his trainer to arrive.

"Evening, Madam. Taking it easy on the poor champagne I hope." I chuckled as Max walked up next to me alone.

"I was hoping not to given the decisions I'm making behind the scenes," I referenced my current predicament," I could only hope they'd just give me the whole bottle." He shook his head before sipping at his own wine glass.

"Oh no, we reserve that luxury for podiums. You should know that by now seeing as you've had so many of them to enjoy..." I gave him a smile as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"You're not wrong. Hoping for more top steps by the end of the year of course." He nodded.

"We all are," His eyes swept the room of our peers who were also engaged in small conversations like ours. All dressed to the nines given the elegance of the evening," Until I kick your ass next year." That made me laugh loudly.

"Not a chance Max." It was then that a hand found my shoulder.

"Propositioning your teammate? Seems a bit weird...." Daniel's thick accent cut through the air, making us all laugh as he stepped next to me with Michael stepping up on my other side.

"You'd be one to know." Max mumbled as he sipped his champagne, making Daniel chuckle and Michael sigh.

"Oh boy, now that he knows I get to hear more sly comments about your sex life." Michael whispered amongst us.

"No sly comments, I'd surely hope that Daniel brags about how good I am." I followed up cheerily, making Daniel choke on his champagne and Michael shake his head.

"First the pole dancing and now this? Can you guys at least wait until the alcohol kicks in before talking about this stuff?" Max groaned, but now Michael looked at the recovering Daniel and I.

"Pole dancing? Did I miss something?" I shrugged, sipping from my glass again as I looked away from him.

"Nope, I sure did though. Not for long..." I smacked Daniel's shoulder, making him laugh.

"You are insufferable sometimes. Let's talk about something other than my sex life please." I sipped my champagne.

"Quite the conversation to step in on," Christian appeared next to Michael, making my choke on my drink," Hope I wasn't interrupting." The boys all awkwardly stared at me as I tried to clear my airway. Daniel was nice enough to pat my back and try to help.

"Just Maeve putting her foot in her mouth," Max finally continued for me," It's nice that we'll be able to enjoy dinner outside. Was that the original plan?" Christian chortled.

"No, but when the weather looked good we figured why not. We are very happy to have you back Max. Michael, please make sure these three don't break anything. It's hard enough to have them in the same room without having to play clean up." He tipped his glass at the older physio.

"I can't be held responsible for their actions. Remember, you're the one that hired all three of them together." Michael fired back, making us all laugh.

"Well. I suppose you're right." Christian shook his head before turning his attention fully back to me.

"Maeve, Did I hear that you hired a full time manager?" I cleared my throat.

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