"Ready?" He asked, already looking exhausted.

"Ready." I said as I scooped up Pru.

We all got in the car, Sam in the backseat with the kids, keeping them entertained on the way to the airport. We got there and I knew this was where the real challenge would start. We each grabbed a kid, we had decided before hand who would be in charge of what kid. That way we weren't all scrambling trying to keep up. Sam was flying with Pru, he loved them all but she was secretly his favorite. Josh of course had Aurora, and I had Denver. I pulled out those little backpacks with the cords attached.

"Are we putting leashes on your children?" Sam laughed,

"They are called 'child safety tethers' Sam." Josh said pretending to be annoyed, "Try corralling the three of them without them, let me tell you, it's damn near impossible"

"He's not wrong" I added as we pulled our bags out of the car. We then made our way from the parking garage into the airport. A few people stopped the boys at one point and asked for a picture. They had a tour coming up soon and where very popular now. Performing in stadiums instead of the smaller venues they started at. We finally made it to the gate, only suffering one meltdown from Denver when we passed a store that had candy visible to the little gremlins. The Flight went smoothly, there was some crying during takeoff from Pru and Aurora due to the noise but Sam quickly distracted Pru and Josh soothed Aurora. I noticed that as soon as we landed Sam took his phone out and texted someone.

"Who's watching the pups for you?" I asked,

"Just someone I found on that dog sitting site, but I'm thinking about hiring someone to stay with them and take care of the house full time," He replied as he read the reply he got

"Thats probably a good idea, especially with tour coming." Josh replied. Sam nodded, all of us eventually making our way off the plane. I handed out the kids thicker coats, Michigan air being much colder than Nashville's. The coats were thick enough that it made their little arms rest slightly away from their bodies. Josh giggled as he watched them walk,

"They look like little penguins" He laughed, and I smiled along with him. We all made it out and into the uber. Miraculously all 3 kids slept on the car ride from the airport to the Kiszka residence.

"Mom has been blowing up my phone asking if we are almost to the house" Josh laughed, flashing me the screen to show me the texts

"She is just excited to see them" I laughed, "Jake and Sloan are already there right?"

"Yeah, they got in last night," Sam replied quietly, "Sloan said there is a giant pile of presents under the tree for the little ones."

"Oh gosh, thats all they need is more toys" Josh rolled his eyes,

"You know mom likes to spoil them" I said as I moved a stray hair from Denver's face. When we finally got to the house we decided to take our bags in while the kids were still sleeping and then go back out to bring them in. We walked in and mom hurried towards us, wrapping me in a hug as Josh carried the bags,

"Hello Rhiannon, where are my little ones?" She asked looking around

"What am I? Chop liver now?" Josh joked as he placed the bags down and hugged his mom as she laughed,

"They are sleeping in the car, we are going to get them out now" I said as I walked towards Josh's room with my bag. I placed it down and walked back out to the car with Josh. I watched as he sweetly woke up Denver and Aurora. I reached to the 3rd row of seats and woke up Pru.

"We gotta wake up kiddos," He said softly "We are at Gran and Pop's house" He said excitedly but still in a quiet tone. I watched as they all perked up and started looking out the window, smiles growing on their faces. We unbuckled them and put them on the ground as they all ran inside. Josh intertwined his fingers in mine as we got inside.

"Uncle Josh!" I heard as River ran over and hugged him. She then jumped with excitement as she greeted Pru, Denver, and Aurora. Jake turned the corner with Reed in his hands, who smiled shyly and waved to me and Josh.

"Now that everyone is here, the kids can each open one present early" Mom said as she started getting a present and handing one to each kid. I situated myself in Josh's lap kissing his temple as he pulled me close. I watched a toothy grin form on his face as he watched the kids squeal when they opened their presents. They would run up to us and show us what they got and we would act all surprised. As I sat on my loving husbands lap, taking in the scene in front of me I had tears in my eyes. My 3 beautiful little miracles playing with their toys with their cousins, I had a family, the best family. Josh rubbed my back as he realized the tears in my eyes,

"I know it's perfect right?" He asked pulling me closer, "A little chaotic, but perfect"

"It's heaven"

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