Chapter 24- Puppy

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*Katsumi's POV*

"Eh? You're going to meet up with everyone else?" I asked Naruto as he was sitting down on the floor and trying to put on his shoes

"Yeah, I am. See you later, onee-chan" Naruto smiled sweetly then I sighed

"I'll come with you" I said worriedly, knowing that they will pry into knowing every single detail of what happened and I don't want Naruto to be pressured after what happened

"Eh?! You said you'd make me ramen today for lunch!" Naruto cried 

"I will but-"

"You haven't even started and it takes you an hour to make ramen, onee-chan!" 

"You make my ramen sound pathetic compared to Ichiraku's..."

"I mean, they have the broth prepared the night before, but you make it by yourself and that alone takes almost an hour dattebayo!"

"You have a point there, but it wouldn't matter if lunch is an hour later, right?" 

"Katsumi...I'm starving already. I wanted to go meet up with everyone then come back and eat dattebayo.."

"Fine, fine. Just be careful, Naruto" 

"Okay! I'll be back soon, onee-chan!"

As Naruto walked out of the apartment, I felt empty. Again.

It's always like this whenever he's not here. Why is he the only cheerful one out of us? So carefree, so precious...

It's probably all because of my protection and spoiling, isn't it? He grew so happy, so content, so merry. 

What about me though?

I had to be the gloomy one out of the two of us, didn't I?

I had to be the two faced twin?

I had to be the one willing to die for the other?

This...this isn't funny...



"Why...Why did you seal most of the nine tails in him, dad? Why not me? Why didn't you seal it all in me? Why did you have to make him struggle more?" I mumbled to myself, slowly tearing up as I hid my face in my two hands to hide this pathetic side of me

I sighed.

"Well...better get working on the ramen. Naruto said he's hungry.." I murmured then started making the broth, cooking the noodles, chopping the vegetables, and boiling the eggs.

It didn't take me more than an hour to do all that, so I was just waiting for Naruto to come back home. In the meantime, I sat on my bed, overthinking my whole existence.

"Onee-chan?" someone suddenly spoke up, making me flinch and gasp out of surprise. I quickly looked up from my hands that had my face buried in and saw my brother looking at me sadly

"O-oi..Katsumi, you're.." Naruto mumbled as he suddenly embraced me into a hug 

"Onee-chan...why were you crying..? Did someone hurt you?! Did the Dog do anything?!" Naruto shouted as I slowly shook my head and put on a smile

"No no, I just was worried about you and I also had a headache so you know.." I smiled, not wanting him to know anything that's going on inside my head

"Katsu, I'm sorry for making you worried!" Naruto said as he tightened the hug

"No it's not something you did that made me worried. You don't have to apologize" I giggled and nudged his cheek as I broke out of the hug.

"For how long were you here?" I asked

"I was out with everyone for an hour then I had to deal with Konohamaru before coming home, so that was a good hour and a half, I guess?" Naruto said, trying to recall what happened "and then I came home, I was shouting at you to make you snap out of your thoughts for almost 10 minutes"

"H-huh? 10...10 MINUTES?!"

-Time Skip-

"Ahh! That was good!" Naruto said happily as he finished the last of his ramen

"Your ramen can never be topped by anyone else's, Katsumi!"

"Well, I'm glad you like it"

Ding Dong

"I'll get the door" Naruto said as he quickly hurried to open the door

*Naruto's POV*

I opened the door to see...Um...Kiba?

"Huh? What are you doing here dattebayo?" I deadpanned at Kiba who was surprisingly chill

"Oh Naruto, is Katsumi here?" He asked nonchalantly then the thoughts emerged once again

'Why is he asking for Katsumi?'

'Is he gonna ask her on a date?'

'Puppy man get the hell away from my sister or imma kick your butt to Suna dattebayo'

'Does he actually like Katsumi or it's just my imagination?'

".....................Why?" I asked

"Dammit, can you just answer my goddamn question?"

"After you answer mine first."



"Is Katsumi home?"

"My question have not been answered yet dattebayo"

"Naruto, just answer mine first and then I'll answer yours"

"No, the other way around"




"What the hell is going on here?" Katsumi asked as she walked up to us, still wearing her apron

"Was it that hard to say she's home, Naruto? I always knew you were dumb, but not that dumb" Kiba mumbled then I was ready to throw hands, but Katsumi grabbed me before I can do anything

"Naruto, go take a shower" Katsumi said then I huffed and did as she wanted. Not really.

I ran inside, opened the tap to make it sound like I'm taking a shower, then sneaked behind the corner to listen in on their conversation

*Third Person POV*

"Sorry about Naruto, Kiba" Katsumi sheepishly laughed and Kiba grinned sweetly

"No no, don't worry about it" He laughed and petted Akamaru on the head who was quite tired of waiting

Why may you ask?

Because Akamaru knows what Kiba is about to ask

"So? What did you want from me?" Katsumi asked as she tilted her head to the side

"Uhm..yeah..uhh about that..."

'Bastard, if you say what I think you're gonna say, I'll send you to mars...Get the hell away from my sister...'

'Woof! Woof, Woof! (Come on fam! Just do it!)'

'Shit, is it too late to back out from this??'

"Woof!" Akamaru suddenly barked, breaking the awkward silence, but then Kiba laughed and petted his head

"Thanks Akamaru! Anyways, Katsumi.." Kiba returned to the subject and made eye contact with Katsumi, not breaking it

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

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